Fishing Hooks Drag Me to My Death... Twice!

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In this one, I think I started out as myself. I was in my barn with my horses and my cousin (I think). And outside my barn, it was dark and the county fair was going on. Apparently there was a horse show that my cousin wanted to be in with one of my horses, so I helped her get ready for it. Then after she left, a fishing hook grabbed me and pulled me towards the sky.

It dropped me off in a black room inside a cloud, where a slideshow was going on. The main character in the slideshow was a white tiger named Fluffybutt (or something similar to it). It showed how he had been scooped up by a fishing hook as well.

In the next slide, something that kinda looked like a flashlight came down and paralyzed him. A random ninja yelled "Freeze!!!'' and a thousand black needles formed and pointed at him. Fluffybutt couldn't move because he was still paralyzed, so the needles dove into him as he yowled while blood spewed out of him. Then the slide after that had the caption "Now Fluffybutt is dead and shall be known as Fluffyblood."

Then the slide changes to a kitchen in Bob Evans, where the cooks were going on with their usual business. So the ninja from earlier came in and plopped Fluffybutt's body onto a giant cutting board. The cooks all gave creepy evil smiles before diving head first towards Fluffybutt and started cutting him up and skinning him. Then his body was served as chicken at that Bob Evans.

Then the next slide was blank except for two sentences: "That is the story of Fluffybutt's death. And you're next!"

Then the same fishing hook from before grabbed me and pulled me away into the room with the giant needles. The same flashlight thing came down and paralyzed me as the needles formed and the ninja yelled "FREEZE!!!" But somehow I could move again, so I rolled away from the needles and jumped off the platform and fell to the ground.

I landed in my horse's pen, and everyone was just continuing their business as usual like nothing happened to me.

Then my dream somehow switched so I was Lightning McQueen and I was racing with Chick and King (all from the movie Cars). I was on the second-to-last lap when the fishing hooks came down again and pulled me and Chick away while everyone continued to cheer for us.

I was back in the room with the needles, except this time I was with Chick, and somehow WildStyle and Unikitty (from The Lego Movie) had gotten there as well.

We were paralyzed as usual, but just before the needles could impale us, Black Star (from the anime show Soul Eater) burst in and destroyed all the needles. I don't know if he lived or not though, because the rest of us had rolled off the platform before we could see if he had.

A bunch of colored blocks fell down with us. Apparently if we used specific colored blocks, we could land safely instead of crashing to the ground.

So since I was Lightning McQueen, I used red blocks, Chick used green, WildStyle used black, and Unikitty used pink.

The only problem was that none of us could gather all our blocks. Then we realized Unikitty had hoarded them all to build a peaceful valley with a rainbow and everything to crash to he ground. We knew that would never work, so we took it all apart and used our color blocks to build a board to fall with.

We had finally reached he ground, and Chick and I had just started our final lap in the race like nothing had even happened when I woke up...

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