Twin Towers and Girls Smoking

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In this one, I was living in a New York City apartment with my dad (even though in real life I live in the middle of nowhere with both my mom and dad).

Anyway, my dad had texted me and said he was waiting for me to come outside to his car. In this dream I think I was a REALLY bratty teenager because I was just like "He can wait a few more minutes." So I stay on the couch and start texting someone at school who I'm friends with in real life, but I just don't talk to her that often.

And she starts talking about how she made a couple new friends and they were trying to convince her to smoke (which she doesn't do!). So she finally gives up and texts me that she's gonna try it. Then I get another text from her fifteen minutes later of a selfie of her and two teenage girls that looked pregnant with cigarettes in their mouths and the caption was "This is awesome!" So I was just like "Okay???"

Then I remembered my dad, so I get my shoes on just as he comes in, out of breath. He starts lecturing me about not leaving him in that kind of situation, so I ask him "What kind of situation?" So he says, "Go to the window and see for yourself." So I did and I see the Twin Towers burning.

Then my dad keeps lecturing me about how he was in the catastrophic zone and had to be moved. Then it somehow moved on to the dream in the next chapter... Which you have to wait for! BWA-HA-HA!! But if I get a lot of votes/comments, I may post it sooner!!


I'm just gonna keep adding fun facts from a website I found, so here's another one: Have you ever been sleeping and then suddenly hear a loud explosion that seemed to be coming from inside your head? Then you jump out of bed thinking something exploded? There's a name for that: Exploding Head Syndrome.

My Weird DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora