Hunger Game Reenactment at Home

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This dream was LONG, so I'm going to write it down before I forget most of it.

So this was kinda like the Hunger Games reenactment at the middle school in a different chapter, but it was at ny house instead. And I switched POVs a couple times.

So I think it started in my backyard, and this time I was up against people from the actual Hunger Games movie (Cato, Clove, Katniss, etc.) and people from High School Musical (Chad, Troy, Gabriella, etc.).

So I had been chased around the house by some of the Careers (from the actual Hunger Games movie) and they almost got me. But then a tiny blue cartoon dragon appeared out of nowhere and started attacking them until they passed out. Then we ran away and the dragon (who I think had a name similar to either Bluey or George, but I'll go with George) decided to become my ally.

We somehow ended up hiding in the cornfields surrounding my house, watching the cops (or Peacekeepers, I guess; they looked more like cops though) tying half my competition to a giant stake in the middle of the yard. Then they shot them all.

But instead of completely dying, they stared at everything with a blank look on their faces like zombies. Then the cops shooed them all into a small passageway in the cornfield and they disappeared. George and I left to find cover after that.

Then my POV changed to Clove's (from The Hunger Games, who also happened to be one of the people massacred by the cops). She was on some stage facing everyone from the Capitol, including Obama and Queen Elizabeth apparently, and George and the dragon from Mulan (can't remember his name at the moment. Ugh!) were next to her.

The Capitol people were judging her to see where she would be in her afterlife, and suddenly my horse appears on the edge of the stage and was a unicorn. And apparently if someone said a special poem and shot a unicorn with an arrow through the forehead, that person would earn all favor from everyone or something like that. So that's what Clove was trying to do. She ended up saying the poem right, but luckily my horse was a smart one because he turned his butt to her and started eating out of a hay bag against the wall.

So then Clove got frustrated and the Capitol people and dragons started yelling at her as she vowed to get revenge.

Then it switched back to my POV, where I was in my front yard with George, Chad, Troy, and I think Ryan (HSM). A meteor type thing crashed next to us and a giant talking marshmallow crawled out of it. Then the meteor thing turned into a sofa, and the marshmallow creature told us to sit on it and take selfies.

So we ended up doing that, but the last thing I remember after that was Chad turning evil and trying to turn us into marshmallow zombies...


How in the world does this book jump from 289 reads one week to 364 reads the next?!?! Thank you everyone for reading!!


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