I Save an Evil Goat Man and Fight Arachne

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So in this dream, I was Annabeth (from the Percy Jackson series). I was on some kind of fishing dock, and there was this weird goat man (looked kind of like a centaur, except it had a goat body instead of a horse's) standing on the dock.

Suddenly the dock caught on fire, so he started screaming for help. So I jump into the flames and drag him out. When he could breathe normally again, he took off running away from me. Then I went home.

When I got there, my old principal who has just resigned in the middle of this year (long story, but he was REALLY messed up in the head) was at my house, and he started getting mad at me. It turned out that the goat man was a bad guy, and I had stopped him from dying. So as punishment for helping a bad guy, he chained me to my bed for the day.

When I could finally be free, I went out to my barn to feed my horses, where I ran into Arachne, the giant spider lady and archenemy of my mom in this dream (Athena; remember that I'm Annabeth, her daughter). So I started fighting her, and I forget how, but she ended up falling into Tartarus (don't know if that's spelled correctly, and I'm too lazy to check).

Then somehow this guy from the trumpet section in my band who is very immature, everything a trumpet player is, and the guy that everyone has a crush on at some point in their lives (I'll nickname him Pretty Trumpet) ended up in my dream. He started talking to me about how amazing I am at defeating monsters. Then he grabs my wrist and says something about how I won't be fighting monsters anymore, and that he's kidnapping me. And that's when I woke up.

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