I Give Birth to Strawberries and Eat Them

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So I don't remember most of what happened in this dream, but I'll say what I do remember.

So I was with my friends at my house, and someone I was friends with in elementary school had stopped by my house before leaving for school and asked if she could borrow my book bag, so I said sure and gave it to her, and she leaves.

Then I go back up to my room (where my friends were) and one of my friends had just gotten pregnant right then and was going into labor. So we all rushed her to the hospital, where she had her baby.

Somewhere during that time, I had gotten pregnant. A little bit after my friend had had her baby I started going into labor. It took a while, but eventually I had my "baby." Basically, my baby was a bunch of white, cotton ball sized dots in a bowl of water.

Then somehow they all merged together and turned into strawberries, and I started eating them.....

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