I Fight as Four Different Creatures

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So I'm not sure exactly what happened at the beginning of the Dream that caused this, but I do remember my male friend was there and told me that I could shape shift into certain creatures depending on the situation I was in. I think it's because he sent me into the woods behind my house at night, and a bunch of wolves chased me out and I flew out to get away.

So anyway, by the time I flew out, it was daytime again. So my friend tried to describe it to me, and apparently I was some sort of warrior that has to join the fight against the "evil ones" in my woods. The fight was fought with a different set of creatures every night, and I had to shift to fight on one of the sides for every night the rest of my life.

The first night, which was that night, I was dropped into the woods as an extremely talented human baby. And by extremely talented, I mean that I could say strings of five words at a time in the voice of a five year old, and I was stuck with a body that could do nothing but crawl.

I ended up fighting against insane adult humans, and the other talented babies and I had no choice but to outsmart them. So there were a bunch of wire towers that kinda looked like scaffolding, and we could fit into them while the adults couldn't.  So eventually we surrounded the adults with them (since we apparently had enough strength to push them around) and crushed them to death as we pushed them over.

Then I ended up turning into a very tiny monkey the size of a human hand, and more fighting with humans continued. But I didn't stay around for that, because somehow I ended up back at my house as a human again with my friend.

The daylight went super quickly, and I was soon put into the woods as the tiny monkey again. Except this time, the enemies were a bunch of storm troopers. So the scaffolding-like structures were back and I hid in those again, and because I was not a superhuman baby, I could not carry them around. So then I was almost destroyed by storm troopers, and then everyone on my side, including me, changed to penguins. There wasn't much we could do to fight against a bunch of storm troopers, even if they all have terrible aim, so I'm completely shocked that I didn't die.

But then once that night was over, I ended up as a storm trooper in the weapons room during the day. I had to help take inventory of stuff, including counting how many sharks and squishy stuff that storm troopers apparently shot at people. And my cover was almost blown multiple times because the lady who was leading the storm troopers kept asking me questions that I didn't know the answer to, and I somehow evaded having to take off my helmet after she asked me to take it off to reveal my identity.

So then the fighting commenced that took place in that weapon room, and I just remember failing at life before I woke up.

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