I Shoot at My Friends and Discover Weird Things About My Other Friends

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So three things happened in this dream. I'll just start from the beginning.

The newspaper was strangely involved in this dream for the first two parts of it. First, I had read a story in it about how someone who works at Arby's had gotten in trouble because not only did she let her friend and that friend's boyfriend into the back where only employees could go, but she forced them into a corner and made them kiss nonstop. (Yeah, I know. Doesn't make much sense. But in reality, what dreams of mine do?) Anyway, I then apparently decided to confront them about it, but that's all I remember from that section.

In the next one, I realized that my guy friend (from the previous dream in this book) was on the front page with his family in front of a colorful neon theme park. And in the article it said that he was the one who had designed it. So I think I then congratulated him.

And then came the last section. I was in my room with some guy that I didn't recognize, and apparently we had to fight real life Pokémon. And when we destroyed them, we got two tiny blue glow sticks. So we fought off them all inside my room, and at some point the dude had transformed into one of my closest friends. We'll call her Friend #1.

And then, eventually we waited a while to get another Pokémon to show up. Then I heard a knocking on my window, and I opened it to see a flying Pokémon waiting for me, and I looked down to see another one of my closest friends (Friend #2) and a guy from school who I never talk to (Redhead Guy) shooting these Pokémon at us. So basically, our goal was to shoot the ones on the ground blasting these Pokémon at us, while trying to keep these flying attack Pokémon from destroying us. So Friend #1 was blasting the flying Pokémon while I was trying to take down the people on the ground from the second story of my house. I managed to hit Friend #2 on the first try, and it wasn't supposed to kill her, it just stopped her from being able to shoot. It was Redhead Guy who was more difficult because he kept running around out of range. Eventually I hit him, and we had won.

Then Friend #1 asked, "Next round?"

So then I was like, "Later, I have to take a shower."

And then I woke up.

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