My Middle School Hunger Games Reenactment

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I had this one soon after getting The Hunger Games movie on DVD a couple years ago.

So in this dream, my entire school (middle school at the time) decided to have their own Hunger Games. Killing and all. I remember that in the beginning we all stood on desks around the edge of the library, which was at the center of the building. The middle of the library (where the librarian's desk was) was basically the Cornucopia with all the swords and knives and stuff.

When the "game" began, I had run upstairs into an abandoned hallway and into a random room. Then in that room, I saw pretty much all of the "smart people" at my school huddled into a corner and looking at me in terror.

It was pretty awkward, so I kinda apologized and left the room. Just to run into the more popular people at school, who had all the weapons and stepping in as the Careers.

I had panicked and ran downstairs, where they all cornered me after chasing me through the hallways half a million times. Someone had cut my arm, so I started groaning (since I wasn't as tough as I am now when I had this dream).

Then they all called me a wimp, and one person was like, "I wish I could help you, little wimp."

Then another kid was like, "Good thing I brought a knife!" Then I saw him swing the knife in my face and I saw a red blood streak he made go straight across my eyes and killing me in the dream, and then I woke up.... I was just a little freaked out.

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