School Shooting

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I think this dream started with me watching a movie at my house. So for once, my dream started out somewhat normal.

Then some kind of alarm went off outside (tornado alarm?), so I went to the basement with my parents and stayed there for a while.

Then somehow my dream switched to me being at school in the middle of the night. I was in study hall, and one of my friends asked me if I wanted to take a tour of the school. But I said no because I had already done that apparently. So she left study hall.

About two minutes later, an announcement comes on saying that a gunman is in the building. So you know that new method schools have that if a gunman comes in the room, you're supposed to chuck stuff at him? That's basically what happened. The study hall monitor grabbed a couple desks to throw, while the rest of us grabbed whatever we could.

Then the gunman came in, so we only threw a couple things at him before he left. Then we took off out of the building and toward the river, and I woke up in the middle of that.

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