Wedding Stops on the Way to Florida

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So in this dream, when you were a certain age, you were able to fly. But you had to really think about flying and get a running start before you could.

So I was able to fly, and I was going to fly to Florida to visit my younger cousins. And I think before I left I was Skyping one of them and she was like, "You're so lucky to be able to fly! I can't wait until I can too!"

So after that, I was at my grandma's house getting ready, and two of my friends decided they were going to fly to Florida with me, so then we got a running start and flew away.

A lot of things that happened after that was kind of a blur, but I remember something about a little after we left, some weather witch came to us and gave us fifteen goals to achieve before we got there.

I forget the first and second, but the third was to go to a wedding. So we ended up getting to a random wedding late and dressed in rags. To say the least, the people there weren't happy.

So after it was over, we left, but I think the next goal was to go to the wedding right after that one without being noticed, because we ended up sneaking in the door to my school's gym that was SO conveniently and normally *note sarcasm* connected to the church the wedding was in.

The girl's basketball team was holding practice in there with the coach, LeBron James, so they give us questioning looks before resuming their practice, and we keep walking along like it's normal.

We then end up hiding in a fireplace a few feet away from the altar that the bride and groom were kissing at. When they were walking down the aisle, we discovered a door in the fireplace that led to outside, so we left.

However, for some reason, we went back in and did the same thing, except it was ANOTHER wedding at the same church. Except this time, we got into a mini duel with a purple demon in the fireplace, and we didn't escape until we killed it.

Of course, leaving the fireplace in the church connected to my high school gym would lead me to none other than..... wait for it.... MY BACKYARD!!! From there, we tried to take off, but the mud was pulling us into the ground. It turned out that we angered some kind of Earth goddess or something, and she was trying to kidnap us. Luckily, some kind of wind goddess tried to save us by pulling us into the air. Since we were in the middle of this war, we could do nothing as we were dragged between the ground and the sky. And that's all I remember before I woke up.

I had some other dream like that, except all I remember from it was it was pitch black, my parents had abandoned me on the highway, and I was using GPS to fly away to my grandma's house.


Fun fact: Have you ever woken up completely paralyzed and freaked out, even if it was only for a few secondary longer? It happens when your mind wakes up before your body does, and it usually freaks you out.

Now normally I wouldn't update this early, but......


On February 1st a number of years ago (not saying how many in case there are any stalkers reading this!) I escaped my mom's vagina and was given a wacked-up mind to make weird dreams with!!! Woot woot!!!


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