𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙 𝙼𝚎?

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(Sonia POV)

After we found out when we would leave with the future foundation leaders me and gundham walked about of the restaurant


"Yes my dark queen?"

"Remember what you said to me in one of the trials..."

"I was going on about that theory in Mikans trail and you interrupted me and well..."

"Well I can say right now I wouldn't dream of it"

I looked up at him and smiled as we continued to walk to the cabins, we wanted to get a head start on packing and got the small amount of stuff we had.

"Sooo gundham, should we meet up with kazuichi at the restaurant to figure out room arrangements?"

"If that's what you desire let's do it"

We went to find kazuichi and bring him to the restaurant with us, gundham spotted him talking to hajime about a piece of machinery that was just fixed so I called kazuichi over to us.

"Hello miss Sonia! And gundham..."

"Kazuichi, would you like to join me and gundham in the restaurant? We are going to talk about room arrangements."

"Only because you asked me miss Sonia..."

The three of us walked to the restaurant and sat at one of the tables and after much arguing between gundham and kazuichi for about an hour and a half, I finally got them calm enough to talk about arrangements for the room.

"So now that everyone is calm, let's actually talk about how this is gonna work, there's three of us and only two beds. I'll sleep on the ground and you two boys can take the beds"

"My dark queen! Are you sure?"

"Miss Sonia you shouldn't do that!"

"No, I'll be fine! I insist, I've always wanted to try out sleeping on a ground, it wasn't allowed at novoselic so I never got to."

"Hm fine my dark queen"

"Ok! *clap* now what about clothing organization? I think if we have a dresser than we each have a drawer to ourselves..."

We spent the next hour or so talking about how we would organize the room and have space for the devas, kazuichis tools, and my occult books.

Before we realized it was already night time, it seemed to be raining outside but we didn't notice until the three of us stepped out into the outside and kazuichi got soaked from all of the rain.

"Oh my goodness! Kazuichi are you ok?!"

"Yes miss Sonia...-"

"Gundham can you help me back to my cabin?"

"Sure my dark queen, here take my jacket so you can stay dry"

"Oh! Thank you!"

Me and Gundham walked back to my cabin together and the devas decided to come out for a bit to see what was going on.

"Oh gundham, it's far to cold for you to walk so far, please come inside! You can stay in here for the night."

"O-oh are you sure?"

Gundham pulled up his scarf now soaking wet and tried to hide his blushing face. I took his hand and set the devas down on a spare blanket and told gundham to go take a quick shower while I set up my cabin really quickly. I got done in a few minutes and dried off his clothes the best I could. I picked up the devas and started to talk to myself.

"I wish I could just tell him before we leave that way it won't be awkward between us...if he doesn't like me I'll be fine and if he does like me then that will be even better! What do you think jum-p?"

*squeak squeak*

"Maybe I should before we go to sleep..."

I waited for about half an hour longer for gundham to finish up and gave him his now dried off clothes. And changed into a light green lace and silk pajama outfit, and waited for gundham.

"Hey, can I tell you something...before we go to sleep..."

"Oh, sure my dark queen."

"Listen, I really, really, really like you. I couldn't take it when no one cared about what happened in the program. So when I found out everyone was alive. I wanted to wait for you until you woke up. And I just wanted to tell you before we left the island. And I just-"

He interrupted me and leaned down and he...kissed me.

I got stunned with silence and he started talking.

"I-I'm sorry my dark queen I don't know what came over me."

"Oh no! It's fine I'm just so happy right now!"

"Here my dark queen, let us go to sleep, we need plenty of rest for tomorrow"

"Of course."

He took my hand we both got into bed. He kissed me goodnight and held me close and we both drifted to sleep. I started to think about tomorrow and I just couldn't wait.

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