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Aisha noticed it was now 3:00pm when she cracked her eyes open.

She stretched and covered her mouth yawning before looking at Klaus.

" Did you get enough beauty sleep, love?", Klaus asked smirking.

Aisha looked at him and nodded not wanting to talk.

He laughed because he thought it was quite funny that she didn't want to talk because she has morning breathe.

Aisha noticed the streets of New Orleans and smiled.

Once she smiled, Klaus eyes glowed because she haven't smiled around him since forever in his mind.

He parked on the street before getting out and coming to Aisha's side.

Aisha stretched before getting out the car but not before pouring the water from her water bottle on the toothbrush and then adding toothpaste brushing her teeth afterwards.

Klaus was laughing the entire time but when she gave him her signature look he stopped but kept smiling showing his dimples.

Aisha spit three more times before washing her mouth out with mouthwash and spitting it in a cup.

She gargled the water and spat it in the cup along with the other stuff before throwing it in the nearest trash can.

" Alright, all done. Now we can go.", Aisha says putting on hand sanitizer out her clutch and then rubbing it on her hands while walking beside Klaus.

Klaus chuckled, " Do you always do that love?"

" Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? And yes I do if I fall asleep on a road trip.", Aisha says.

" Wait Klaus before we continue we need some understanding if im going to spend an entire day with you.", Aisha says as he stopped and waited for her to continue.

" Did you mean what you said, when you said that you're still trying to get back together with me?", Aisha asks because she was curious.

Klaus smiled, " Yes, I did Aisha. I meant every word I said to you. I won't stop at nothing to get you back. Why Aisha?"

Aisha smiled, " Okay, since we already went over  no. 1. Rule number two always tell your partner the truth and trust in them. Can you do that? We can work on gaining our relationship back."

Klaus chuckled, " I trust you Aisha, you're the only one. I'm hoping you trust me, do you love?"

Aisha hesitated, " I'm working on that trust, N. You know it takes me a long time to trust again."

Klaus nodded, " Of course, darling. I understand. I haven't been quite the husband material to you like I use to, haven't I? I apologize wholeheartedly love, I hope someday you'll forgive me."

Aisha smiled before taking his hand still walking, " Okay do you trust me enough to tell me why you came here in the first place?"

Klaus smiled, " I came here because someone is plotting against me and I need to find out who."

" Now who could possibly be plotting against the infamous original hybrid.", Aisha says gasping.

" You're being sarcastic darling. It always did suit you best.", Klaus said before he walked to the table where a black women was sitting at.

Klaus sat down as Aisha stood up beside him winking and flirting with men and women that walked by.

" Good afternoon, time for two more?", Klaus asks.

" I have nothing to say to you but her on the other hand, I do.", the woman says to Klaus as Aisha understood her intentions.

" Oh, now, that's not very amiable, is it? You don't even know me.", Klaus says tapping the table.

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