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Aisha woke up with a huge headache, she saw a glass of water and a pill on the side of her bed.

Aisha was thankful for K, she sat up and grabbed the pill popping it in her mouth and then drinking the water afterwards.

Aisha had no energy but when she sat back she had a vision...
Aisha was envisioning Stefan driving on a bridge with Elena in the car.

Elena looked scared and shocked while Stefan drove faster. Aisha finally got a clear view of the bridge and noticed it was the same bridge Elena parents died on.

Stefan then stopped the car once Klaus agreed to send his hybrids away.

Afterwards Elena got out the car crying yelling at Stefan but Aisha couldn't hear it, she was just seeing it.

Stefan got back in the car driving away leaving Elena on the bridge.

Aisha gasped before shaking her head.

She heard her phone ding with a text message from K on dresser next to her telling her she's out.

Aisha slowly stepped out of the bed before responding ok to K's text. She got in the shower.

She was in the shower longer than usual because half of the time, she was washing up and rinsing off, the other half she was just standing there thinking about her choices.

Aisha got out the shower with a wrapped towel around her brushing her teeth in the sink.

Her headache was clearing up little by little.

She rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash, afterwards she put lotion on her body and picked out her clothes.

Aisha put on a jogging suit with some wheat timberlands. She wasn't really feeling it today, so she'll try again tomorrow.

She fluff out her hair combing it a little before grabbing her lipgloss and key putting on her black glasses.

Aisha was driving when she got a FaceTime call from her sisters. She answered it.

" Sis, we tryna go to the mall. Just wanted to let you know. Love you, bye", Trina said quickly.

" Wait, y'all couldn't just text me that.", Aisha said.

" Well yeah. We just wanted to tell you to your face to see your reaction.", Tee said.

" You know what. Get off my phone and be safe you birds.", Aisha said before hanging up.

Aisha was driving to the mystic grill when she got another call this time from Stefan so she answered, " What?"

" I need you to come to my house.", Stefan said.

" Alright, fine after I eat my fucking food.", Aisha said before hanging up the phone.

When Aisha got to the mystic grill, she ordered her favorite. Cheese stake fries and a Oreo shake.

She finished her food and walked out driving to Stefan house to see what his dumbass wanted.

She arrived and walked straight in, " Stefan!?"

She heard rock music and walked further.

Klaus was sitting on a chair, " Oh, he isn't here, Love and may I ask why you have on sunglasses inside?"

Aisha looked at him, " It's an hangover phase but why are you here? And he's not."

Klaus smirked at her, " He's coming in now".

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