Chapter 60 Preview

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3rd P.O.V

*In a dark place*

"Come ooonn! You guys are so slow!" Jimmy whined. Maxwell glared at him "Not all of us are fast" He pointed to a huffing Sue, who was way behind them.

"You all are supernatural. I'm not. Get over it" Sue tugged on his mask, annoyed. "Sooo?" Jimmy groaned "Have you seen Papa move when Gertrude says the magic words"

"Magic words?"

"Of course. What else would my brother run for. Not his life, that's for sure" Maxwell grumbled. There were some snickers going around.

"Want one?" Sue held out the candy to Slender. The faceless humanoid shook his head. He motioned to the place where a mouth would be, reminding Sue of his condition.

"Shhhh!" Toilet Toucher held his finger to his lips "I heard something" They all paused and Jimmy grinned.

Footsteps echoed across the empty room. It approached the dark wall in front of them. Jimmy twitched, slowly reaching for Knifey.

Silence. All breathing stopped. For those who needed to anyway. One minutes passed, then two. After three minutes, someone dared speak. "Maybe they gone?" Sue quietly suggested.

A door flew open, letting bright light through, blinding all of them.

Well, hello! I know it has been a long while, and I'm not done with chapter 60. Sooo, a preview! And another reason to update now is that I have been challenged by am120303.

The "Tell Twenty Things About Yourself Game".

I figured now would be a good time. If you want to know twenty more things about me, go ahead and read. If you don't, then just skip the rest of this.

1. I live in Utah.
2. I'm a recent convert to the Legend of Zelda fandom.
3. I take horseback riding lessons every Tuesday.
4. I can play two songs on the piano mesmerized.
5. I am the eldest of four children.

6. I HATE playing most sports.
7. Kinda a grammar nazi.
8. Disgusted by snow.
9. Always and forever love dragons.
10. Hate math with a passion.

11. In my school choir.
12. Occasionally watches Power Rangers.
13. I have dyed my hair red. It is red right now actually.
14. Feels like drama is stupid and completely unnecessary.
15. I love Marvel.

16. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero.
17. Has a goal of sleeping in till twelve in the morning. Foiled each time by parents.
18. My favorite food is the Café Rio burrito, enchilada style.
19. My zodiacs are Libra and Rabbit
20. My favorite color is aquamarine.

So there you go. I get to challenge people to do this to. So I challenge Naomi334 and CoCo_Writes to do the same thing I just did.




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