Author's Note

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..... Hi? *clears throat nervously* So I'm back, kinda.


.... First Author's Note chapter. Never had one of these before. *gulps*




*Tugs collar of shirt*


I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know your heart fluttered when you saw "theorbess540 updated G-Mod & BookClubs" message pop up, and the felt it shatter into a million pieces when you saw the chapter was called "Author's Note" The book that was in your archive just broke your heart. And I hate that it just did it.

Before you all come and kill me for not updating in a couple months(?), let me explain why.





I feel like I'm dragging out the entire story, but I don't know how to end it!!!! My brain cannot come up with any way to stop the BookClub, get everyone home, and lead it on to the second book!!

Should Jordan's Jimmy take over, should Prince Fang declare a full out war and side with VenturArmy, should the enemy find the base and do a suicidal attack? How will it turn out? How could I make the thing happen? How could I incorporate it into the story? Have I given them too many powers and made it too easy? Is there not enough emotional pain suffered?
Should I end or keep going longer?!


I don't know and it's driving me crazy.


*Gets on hands and knees* Please. pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease tell me in the comments if you have any ideas. I know I can count on my usual commenters/voters to give some great ideas, but how about the ones who read and don't vote/comment? I'm positive you guys have great ideas as well.

Until I get inspired and have a plan, there probably won't be a new chapter. You can comment your idea, then put this book right back into your Archive if you want.

I will acknowledge anybody whose idea I'll use. Even if it is only part, or inspired by it, you will be mentioned in the next chapter.

On a bright note I started watching Fairy Tail. Already on episode 180. NaLu 4eva!!!!!!!! Yet I've got friends who ship LoLu. NO! Just no. The creator ships NaLu! How could you not!

Sorry for that. Fangirl inside went crazy for a little. Thank you for waiting patiently through that.




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