Chapter 58

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3rd P.O.V

Jordan grimaced "Do I really have to do that?" "Hey, you wanted to help" Bethany reminded him.

"I didn't know it would involve sticking my hand up a turkey's butt" Ven whined. "You wanted to help me make Papa Acachalla a turkey. So you have to grab the gravy packet" Beth retorted.

"I had known I wouldn't have offered my help" "Too bad" Bethany grabbed Venturian's hand and shoved it up the hole. He immediately started to panic "Ew ew ew ewewewewewew!"

But he knew Bethany would only let his hand go if he grabbed the gravy. Curling his lip, he grasped the baggage and slithered his hand out.

"Fine. Here you go" Jordan basically threw the greasy packet at his sister. She caught it with no problem. Ven glared "How come I had to do that!"

"For the last time, you volunteered so you had to do it" Bethany said, exasperated. "I'm bored! I needed to do something! Nothing has happened the last couple of weeks!" Jordan threw his hands in the air.

"True. But still-"

"Alright. I think we have had enough of this" Gertrude cut in "We have more important things to think about like WHO WANTS TO SEE THE TURKEY GUTS?!"

There was a stampede as most of the inhabitants ran over. Bethany was nearly crushed. Everyone was yelling something, pushing and shoving to get a better view.

"Form a line! I won't show you if there isn't a line! Do you want to see Sky?"

"No I'm good" Sky nodded from his place on the couch, still trapped by a leg cast covered in doodles of waffles and dinosaurs. Sally had asked if she could draw on his cast, and you don't say no to Sally. Especially with her boyfriend watching.

Gertrude grabbed the small white bag and neatly sliced it open. The recently created line was completely forgotten as they all crowded around to see.

Maxwell and Aimee floated overhead while Sally sat on Slender's shoulder. Isaac didn't have to do anything to see, neither did Jordan, who was by Gertrude anyway.

Spencer sent a glare to all the people gathering. Papa was snoring away, and Ghost wisely stayed back with Toast by his side.

"What's that bigger lump connected to the smaller lump?" Poopoo asked, pointing. "That, hon, is the lungs. This separate lump is the heart, and the flatish thing is the liver" Gertrude motioned to each organ.

Poopoo let out a noise of disgust and buried her head in her Grandfather's chest. He absentmindedly patted her back while craning his neck to get a better view.

Isaac sidled up next to Venturian "You've been quiet lately" Jordan barely managed to tear his eyes away from the blood "I'm worried"

Goomba raised an eyebrow "About what? The mass murderer killing us, getting whatever nasty thing Spencer's got, or the creepy pasta we're sharing a hotel with?"

"The BookClub. They haven't done anything for weeks now. Not even a sighting of a dragon or worm" Ven sighed. "Isn't that good?"

"Could be. But haven't you seen the movies? Lack of enemies means they are mustering forces for a final all out attack. Or they could have given up on finding us"

"Either way, we are prepared" Goomba grunted. Ven shrugged in return.

Without thinking, his hand reached down to scratch his leg. Scratching felt more like a gentle rubbing sensation, requiring more force then before to be felt at all.

The scales have grown more, to the point where it covered all of the lower half of his leg. It stopped right below his ankle and right above his knee. Vent now lived in constant fear of the scales being spotted.

He wasn't afraid of the reactions to the scales themselves, but on how the others would react when they realized the four had kept this a secret.

A yell broke through his thoughts. "Ew Sally!.... No! Don't eat it!"

His eyes shifted to the partly transformed tutu-toting girl. She had stabbed the liver with one of her long claw-nails and was sniffing it. As Jordan watched, Sally popped it into her mouth and chewed contently.

Ghost let out a Jimmy cackle from the other side of the room. Billy gasped and fainted. Papa snorted awake, then fell back asleep.

Gertrude just rolled her eyes "I was going to cook that honey" "Owpps, sworry Mwama" Sally looked down at the ground, then perked up "Cwan ywou pwut thwose own mwy waffles nwext twime?'

"Sure sweetie"

Cierra turned and gave her brothers a gagging motion. Bethany wasn't even phased, Sally had asked for worse. Gertrude must of started to feel claustrophobic (?), because she started shooing everyone away.

People wandered off slowly, leaving the gingers to their cooking. Maddie-Friend dragged a limp Billy to the nearest couch, laying him on it and cradling his head in her lap, playing with his hair.

"Billy-Friend hair smells like band-aids today. Maybe he'll finally sign my shirt when he wakes up!" Maddie muttered, then proceeded to stare unblinkingly at him for ten minutes.


3rd P.O.V


Mr. Borminerf curled his lip at the pile of dead bodies that laid before him. Two dragons, six worms, and one human assistant. "What a waste of time. Having me come here for this!" he snarled at the man who brought him there.

Prince Fang let a grin barely tug at the the end of his lips. The old man's madness was becoming more obvious each day.

The rest of his hair was gone, leaving him completely bald. The skin was pale, unhealthy thin, and dangling in places. His face gained twice as many wrinkles, rivaling the amount on his clothes.

Bigifart's death was the start of the slow descent into chaos. First he started sending search parties into dangerous territory, and was now no longer caring about life of his workers.

Fang did nothing to help, but appeared to do nothing wrong either. He just stood quietly in sidelines, enjoying the misery he caused the man.

"This" Borminerf motioned to the scene "is not worth my time, not even a second. Worms and dragons deaths are not my problem, it is Fang's and Tony's"

"What about the person?" the alive assistant asked. Borminerf squinted his eyes "Who was he?"

"Jackson A. Jamie, assistant to George, recently deceased"

"I can see that idiot! Because he was an assistant, Jackson means nothing. As for the bodies, toss them all in the trash"

"All of them sir? Even the human?"

"Did I not just say that!" Borminerf roared "Yes, throw the human away too! He was my least favorite grandson anyway"

Haaaay! A chapter, yay! Not a very fulfilling chapter. It's more like a kick start chapter.

No credit to give this time. You people who commented will get your time to shine.

You guys gave me a shock with the comments. I was expecting twelve, thirteen at the most. When I got on the next day to check, my mind nearly exploded.

Thirty comments! And fifty later when I checked again! Plus the fact that there was a couple three paragraph comments really shocked me.

I was reading this one comment from AnnieBirdSecreter saying she got an account just so she could comment on the Author's Note. Really? I'm honored you enjoy this book that much. *bows*

And from Lycantian (?) (You guys probably didn't see it cause a thingy said it was reported and being looked at), he said he was drawing fan-art of it, and that I have a little fanbase here.

Is it true? Is my little book really good enough to have a fanbase? Wow, tell me in the comments. See you next time!




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