Chapter 41

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"I do?" Toast looked down at himself. He paled "Please tell me I don't look like Sally again" he begged. "Ywou lwooked lwike mwe?" Sally asked.

"It was a case with Lego people, toy figurings and the Toilet Toucher's house" Ghost said dismissively. T.T himself looked briefly confused.

"How do I look!" Toast interrupted, bringing the conversation back to his appearance.

"Not like Sally. You look normal, more fancy, but with facial hair" Chakalatasoup observed.

Toast had a small wispy mustache perched on his upper lip. Johnny was outfitted with a white shirt and a black vest on top. He wore a suit pant and shiny black loafers. Johnny Toast looked more... British.

Gertrude described his new look while the Frye's faces adopted a guilty look. Maloney noticed immediately. "This is your fault too, isn't it?" he asked.

"Sort of. The Player Model we use for Toast got completely destroyed, so we had to find a new one" Immortal explained. "Player Model?" Billy wanted to know.

"It is basically what you made your playable person look like. So Papa has his own model, so does both the Johnnys, and ya. Everyone does" Bethany quenched his thirst for knowledge on that subject.

Maddie-Friend was slowly inching her way up to his side. "Now that we are all up, who wants breakfast?" Jordan received hoots and all sorts of loud noises. Freddie roared from his cage in the corner.

"Where is the kitchen BMO?" Venturian yelled over the noise. The living game boy pointed to another grey panel on the wall with his stick arms. Ven examined all the green buttons before pushing one.

A kitchen popped up in the middle of the room, right by the meeting table. Most of the cabinets had plates, bowls, and cups while the drawers had all the silverware.

There was an entire pantry full of food and cooking stuff for everyone to use. The fridge was also packed with edible yumminess, and plenty of toaster waffles in the freezer.

Gertrude nearly died when she saw all the cooking utensils at her disposer. Papa nearly died from diabetes after he discovered and devoured nearly all the Oreo packets stuffed in the pantry.

"What's for breakfast Mama Gertrude?" Isaac in Billy voice and Billy said in unison. "Whatever you want honey, whatever all you want as well" Gertrude added, hopping over the low counter. Cheers erupted from the crowd.

Everyone who needed to eat lined up as Gertrude took their orders. Chakalatasoup and his granddaughter helped her take orders and cook. After the whole army had told them what they wanted, the three set to work.

An hour later everyone was satisfied and rubbing full bellies. "Delicious" Quagmire moaned. Several mumbled in agreement. Even Spencer had nothing to complain about.

Chakalata took it in a stride while Poopoo and Gertrude blushed. "It was no problem" The redhead reached for her crowbar. Venturian stood up.

"Now that everyone is here and it is impossible to run away, this morning's meeting will take place" Jordan had to grin at the trapped and horrified look on Papa Acachalla's face as he realized the trap.

He tried to stand up. Each time he failed. His weight plus Gertrude's cooking was finally too much. Giving a sigh of defeat, Papa Acachalla looked at their leader.

"What is the meeting for Big Sir?" Ever since Johnny Toast had found out that Jordan basically was his boss, he had insisted on calling Ven Big Sir. Venturian hated it, but Toast kept at it.

"Don't call me that and the meeting is for what are we gonna do. Do we train to fight off this threat, or do tactful disappearance?"

"And by tactful disappearance you mean hiding" Sue caught on. Maxwell, Papa, and Princeton stiffened "I am not hiding from anyone" the dead and alive Acachallas said slowly. Quagmire nodded his agreement.

"Guess that answers your question" Ghost guffawed. Toast smiled, making some of the ladies stare. Sally, Poopoo, Cierra, Aimee, and Bethany. Even Gertrude found herself looking.

Johnny Ghost noticed before his partner. Grinning like his other side, he elbowed Toast. The Brit immediately dropped the smile and squirmed uncomfortably under all the gazes.

"Anyway, I guess we wait thirtyish minutes to digest, because most of us can barely move. Then start training?" Venturian broke the silence. "Break! I call a beanbag!" Goomba called. He jumped up and dived onto a bag full of beans.

"Nwo fwair! Bwilly!" Sally complained. "What? I didn't do anything!" Billy was now running from person to person, using them as a human shield from his unwanted stalker lover.

"Swowwy, hwabit" Sally apologized. She turned to Gertrude "Awre thwere mwore waffles in thwe fwidge?" "Course honey, I made a lot more just for you" Gertrude lead her adopted daughter into the kitchen.

Thirtyish minutes later, everyone was lined up. Jordan had already caused the training course to replace the kitchen.

It was separated into multiple parts. There was a hand-to-hand training area with a robot trainer, a shooting range, an obstacle course, and a rock wall to climb up and jump off.

A whole herd of dummies to knife, a place to practice telekinetic powers, an entire section to just smashing things, and a break room with restroom.

With the blue stuff.

Almost all these places had a robot trainer to teach and improve. They had endless patience and could deal with even the most difficult of people. *Cough*Spencer *cough*

There was no schedule. They could wander between stations, choosing to stay at ones they need to work on. Most of the time you could find Homeless and Maxwell in the telekinetic area, Isaac improving his skill and Maxwell teaching.

The days passed like this.

An abrupt wake up curtesy of Jordan. Next they gathered downstairs for breakfast. After eating they would wait a while. Then they would train, taking a small lunch break. When training was done they have dinner, take some free time, then go to their rooms.

Most that could went right to sleep, others stayed up to watch the television or read, stuff like that. The entire week past like that. The only time it was different was on Monday.

Papa had disappeared and a full of himself Mexican appeared in his place. Immortal smiled at the surprised look on the rest of the Army's faces when that guy walked out of the room.

"Crap, I forgot it was Monday" Gertrude groaned. "Who are you?" Ghost asked rudely. "I am José José José José, President of Mexico and to gorgeous for you" he flipped his black hair. Maxwell's eyes widened at the return of third gang member.

"He is one of Papa's other personalities" Bethany explained, wasting no time. "Ma'am, you said personalities, as in more then one?" Toast asked.

"Yes he has two. José José José José who only comes out on midnights and Mondays, and Stardust Sprinkle Shine. Papa only turns into the unicorn if he touches the Floating Gun of the Aztecs" Kyodai continued the explanation.

"Oh" was all anyone can say. The rest if the day was spent avoiding the twirling Mexican and putting up with his ego.

Hello people. I told you I would update on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And today is Thursday, so here you go. Another chapter added to the story.

I forgot to say this last time, but guys, I can't add everyone. I already feel like there is enough characters, and I don't think I can handle more. Maybe for the final battle, maybe?

And we reached over 8 thousand views!!!! That is so many! I'm surprised even half of you guys bothered to read it at all. Much less vote. And comment.

NO SKIP THIS!!!!I was also thinking of doing something special for chapter 50 if I ever get to it. I don't know what I would do and was wondering if you guys had an idea. Tell me in the comments.




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