Chapter 32

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Jordan jerked awake. Their theme song, the very one he spent hours making, was playing loudly through some unseen speakers.

Shaking off the drowsiness, he looked around. To his left, he could see his siblings lined up by age. Like him, they were tied up in a chair and just coming to.

Hearing some groans, Jordan shifted his gaze to behind him. In a row, Papa Acachalla, Officer Maloney, Spencer, and Johnny Ghost were all awake, but not alert.

Facing Cierra's back was Sally and Johnny Toast. Bethany had Gertrude and Maddie-Friend. Isaac was with Billy and Sue. Soon everybody was awake.

The song continually blasted long after everyone was up. Knowing they couldn't yell over the noise, the Fryes sent helpless glances at each other. Bored, Isaac looked at the room they were trapped in.

They were in a rectangle. A grey cement rectangle that was ginormous. The long sides had the length of one hundred feet. The short side, fifty. The roof was fifty feet up as well. There was no windows, and only one door.

But that door had a couple hundred worms guarding it.

The music stopped. The silence after was just as deafening. Finally, Jordan called out "Everyone all right?" A wave of blabbering sounded.

"Cierra?" Jordan yelled.
"Alive and okay"
"I'm here"

"GERTRUDE!" Papa Acachalla bellowed. He pulled against the chains securing him "GERTRUDE!" He looked desperately for his wife.

"I'm here hon. Stop shouting my name" Gertrude yelled at him. "Mama Gertrude!" Billy cried. "It is alright hon, I am right here" Gertrude soothed.

"Waffles" Sally mumbled, still recovering. "YOU ABSOLUTE NERDS. HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN TRAP THE MIGHTY SPENC!" Spencer yelled at no-one.

"Shut up Spencer!" Suckish Officer Sue hollered at him. Spencer glared at him then started to grumble to himself.

Maloney was slightly confused by the mesh cage that surrounded his chair. He tilted his head as he stared at it.
"It looks like a bird cage" Jordan commented, twisting his head awkwardly to see. Maloney's eyes widened.

"Sir, stay calm. You need calm down and think" Toast said to his partner. Ghost was completely folded over in his chair. His clothes kept changing between Johnny and Jimmy.

Isaac could hear Ghost's groans, and frankly he was getting quite scared. "Jimmy could snap those chains in a instant" he mumbled worriedly.

Billy and Sue gave him a strange look "Then good thing that killer isn't here" Sue said. Isaac sent him a unconvinced look. Sue's mask was sideways, so he couldn't see the show.

After a minute of tension, the clothes settled on the familiar blue jacket. "Welcome back sir" Toast sighed. This entire time he had been sending encouraging words to his boss.

"Even if Jimmy had come out, he couldn't break the chains. They are made of the same material as Freddie's" boomed a new voice.

Everyone froze. "How is everyone settling in?" Silence. "Ah, looks like we have a thick audience. Maybe a video or two to thaw them out. But first, we have more guests"

Three circle holes appeared in the floor behind Jordan. "First, we must do the leader and the oldest" the voice said. Rising up on a platform, an Princeton Quagmire glared at the bright lights.

Next to him was a snoring fat lady that looked like a man. "Sally Betty Jessica?" Papa Acachalla's eyebrows raised. An old man with white hair came next. "Who are you?" Spencer asked. "Wha! I am Mr. Sviggles!" his German accent was incredibly strong.

"Next" the voice boomed.

One girl popped up beside Sally. "Poopoo!" Sally cried. Beside her face, Poopoo looked a lot like Sally.

"Another" the voice demanded.

Bethany started to shake. Behind her, two glass capsules with metal tops popped up. In one was a French girl with a beautiful green dress. The other contained Cardboard Friend.

"Aimee?" Ghost asked, he had yet to see Box Friend. "Ooo, Mr. Ghost. I was not expecting to see you here too!" the French redhead squealed.

An bald man with a green jacket also was lifted. Poopoo started crying when she saw Chakalatasoup.

"Has anybody else noticed that almost everyone behind Bethany has red hair?" Officer Maloney questioned.

"Good question Officer Maloney, but that will be answered later. Now, last but not least, the youngest" the voice continued.

The first to come up was Toilet Toucher. His glasses were crooked and had a crack running through the lens. He had some blood smeared on his bald head.

Maxwell was next, trapped in the same container as Aimee. "They managed to capture Uncle Maxwell, who are these people?" Billy wondered. Maxwell slammed his fist against the glass.

"Uwncle Mwaxwell, ywou lwook dwifferent" Sally managed to say. It was true. Maxwell was wearing a cowboy jacket and hat, with pale skin and dirty blond hair.

He wore a red shirt with fingerless gloves. Maxwell's face was occupied by a little mustache, and a pointy little beard. "Bout time you changed Maxwell, now I actually have a face to insult" Papa Acachalla spat.

Maxwell glared at him before angrily punching the glass again. "Well well, looks like everyone is here. Shall we begin the show then?" the voice chuckled.

The room darkened and a giant screen appeared on wall facing them.

HAHAHA, another cliffhanger! Please don't hate me! Hope you guys liked today's chapter. My mind was blank on characters, I had to use the Wikipedia.

I think I am wrong on who plays Poopoo, tell me if I am wrong.

I just want to make sure, I am not the only one curious to see how many water bottles Jordan has in his room, right?

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