Chapter 50

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Sky's POV

I woke up to the sound of gunshots. I sat up, and immediately regretted it. My ribs screamed from the too fast movement. I let out a groan and held my sides. When the pain faded away did I looked around.

No-one. But a pair of crutches were leaning against the wall next to me. Slowly, I slid my legs out from underneath the covers and over the edge. The crutches weren't too hard to grab and maneuver into place.

Now for the real test. I stared at my ribs, daring them to hurt as I cautiously stood. Not that I could really see them. Couldn't move my head with this stupid collar bone cast. I glared at that instead.

Getting into the crutches was successful, receiving only a slight twang from my leg. Standing is easy, what about walking? I've used crutches before, but not with a bad rib cage.

Hesitantly, I put the tips in front of me and swung myself forward. Only my good leg touched the ground, I held up the broken one. Couple laps around the room and I had mastered them.

I swung myself over to the door. With some difficulty, I managed to locate the handle and turn it. The door opened to reveal a very busy room. A giant obstacle course had replaced the kitchen from last night, and several people were scrambling through it.

There was a shooting range, knife throwing gallery, and a place full of giant shapes. Wasn't till I saw Cowbo- Maxwell start tossing things did I realize that it was a free-for-all destroy room.

There were two people fist fighting on a map, being evaluated by two robots. One paused the battle and corrected their angle, then moved out of their way. It's like some top secret training facility! Venturian spotted me and walked over.

"Sky! How doin are you?" Venturian made a face. " That was good grammer there. I mean, how are you doing?"


3rd POV

Sky gave Ven a grin. "What do you think dood?" he motioned to his casts. "That you need to go sit down" Bethany interrupted. She scared Sky, making him jump. He let out a grunt as his foot clipped the ground.

"Sorry!" she squeaked. "Your fine. And right about sitting down. I feel tired" Sky headed towards the nearest couch. Ven smiled, then frowned as a thought entered his head.

Bethany elevated Sky's leg with some pillows as Jordan came forward. "Is it to soon to ask about what happened in the factory?" Venturian asked gently. Sky paled, then gave a sigh "Might as well tell" Ven sat on a couch facing him.

"Want a drink first?" Bethany butted in. "That would be nice. Apple juice please. Can I have a butter colored straw?" Sky asked. She chuckled, before complying.

Once she returned, he started explaining, starting from the beginning, how he got sucked in, the conversations he listened into, and the energy draining process. Beth winced in sympathy "Sounds hard"

Sky shook his head "Na, you guys had to go through much worse" "I doubt that" Venturian disagreed. "Pretty sure. Nothing can get more worse then dying" Sky pointed out. He took a sip.

"But we can come back from the dead" Ven spoke. "Boys. Before this turns into an argument, does anyone want popcorn?" Immortal interrupted, holding out a bucket.

"It is still warm, despite being made last night. Wonder how that happened?" She wondered. "I'm good. Don't want to hog it" Sky refused. "No need to worry about that. We have a lot left over" Kyodia motioned to the twelve stacked buckets. Sky blinked, just noticing them.

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