Chapter 52

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3rd POV

"I am too beautiful for you!" Josè Josè Josè Josè sang, dancing around a confused Sky, twirling like a ballerina. He preformed happily, occasionally flipped his long hair.

Sky watched with wide eyes, unsure if he should be afraid, amused, or annoyed. He on the border of fear more then anything else.

Josè paused for a bow, then swan dived away. Sighing, Sky pulled out his new best friend, the butter colored DS. He played it almost nonstop, and the battery never died.

It was a Monday,two days later and both injured people seemed to be healing. Sky's ribs no longer needed an bandage. Billy was afraid too look at Venturian's, worrying he would take off the scab.

Ven himself had been asleep during Josè's performance. It was Maxwell's, Papa's, Johnny Ghost's, and Gertrude's turn to clean. The ginger loved to clean, and volunteered to do other's shifts. Nobody complained and Gertrude was satisfied. It was an win-win situation.

Despite being in close quarters and talking to each other for more then three weeks, there was still tension between the two brothers. Papa would send a glare and Maxwell would return it.

Two people could have finished the job, but Ghost was there for insurance.

There were no doubts that Jimmy could hold off the quarreling duo.

A shout jerked Ven from his sleep. Another shout followed, but was quickly cut off. Jordan squinted, and rubbed his eyes. He sat up, the DS he was using fell onto the couch.

"Finally awake huh" Sky twisted the game, as if doing that helped him. "Yep. How long was I out?" Ven yawned. "About an hour" Sky spared a quick glance at the time.

Venturian nodded, then looked around "Place is still here. I assume that Ghost and Jimmy did their job" Sky died in the game. He sighed, and put the plastic electronic down.

"I need Minecraft. Nintendo games get boring after you play them constantly. All games do. But Minecraft. Never Minecraft" Sky said. Jordan did a slow clap "That was so poetic. It brought tears to my eyes" he wiped away fake tears.

"Haha, very funny" Sky rolled his eyes "Seriously though, I need to play Minecraft" Ven frowned, mind racing.

"You could ask Spencer, but he will say a long and windy no. Maybe Toast has a laptop you can borrow? I don't know" Venturian shrugged. "You don't know" Sky repeated.

"Who doesn't know if they or their friends have a laptop or not!" Sky asked, incredulous. "Well it hasn't exactly been our top priority for a while!" Ven snapped.

Sky blinked 'Oh". Silence enveloped the two men for a couple of minutes.  Sky rubbed the back of his neck "Sorry. I probably should have thought before I said anything"   Venturian waved away the apology "Na, I shouldn't have snapped"

Couple more seconds of silence "I'm not getting on Minecraft today, am I?"   "Probably" Ven snorted.  "Course" Sky laid back down. He had trouble finding a comfortable pose till Ven threw a pillow at him.

Sky grunted, ribs still a little sore. But he nodded his thanks and stuck it under his head. Snoring came from his sleeping figure minutes later.

Jordan laughed silently.  "Hey Venturian, can I check your leg now?" Billy trotted up from behind. "Sure" Ven Rolled up his pant leg, then flipped himself over, giving Billy easy access to the injury. His knife sheath dug uncomfortably into his skin. He shifted his weight, flattening it.

Billy professionally peeled off the bandage. He took one look and fainted.  "Billy?" Ven had heard a giant thump, and he turned to see.

Billy laid in a pile on the ground. Ven stared in stupor.  Then his gaze shifted to his leg and he nearly fainted to. The entire wound had disappeared. But it was what replaced it that was surprising.  

In the exact place where the cut was, scales had grown over it. A horizontal line of scales straight across the back of his leg.  They were blue, unsurprisingly.  But still, scales were on his leg. Ven was doing a whole lot of blinking. 

Some one finally noticed that something was off. "Where is Billy? Wasn't he here a couple of seconds ago?" Immortal jogged over. She scrunched her face at Jordan's silence, then followed his gaze. Cierra's eyes grew and she took a double take.

"Scales" she squeaked. Ven could see the panic growing on her face and he held an finger to his lips. Kyodia started to calm down, but her focus never left the scales.  "Shhhh. Don't freak out, that will make me freak out to. Keep quite and help Billy up. No I didn't know about this before, this is new" Ven talked.

"Scales" Immortal said miserably, then walked over to Billy. She got him awake by gently shaking and talking some what like Maddie-Friend into his ear. Sky still slept. Venturian re-positioned himself ito sitting.

Billy shakily stood, and stared at Jordan's leg. "Scales?" he asked. "Scales" Immortal confirmed. "How?" Ven questioned.  "Dragon blood in the wound? The DNA could have fused with yours, causing a mutation to sprout, but at that speed..." Billy kept on babbling sciencey things.

"Billy" Ven brought him back. He blinked "Sorry. Are you going to tell anyone else?"  Venturian shook his head "No, when we figure this out. For now, let's keep it between the three of us"

Billy nodded and stumbled away. Twenty feet from the couch, he was ambushed. Maddie-Friend jumped onto his back, completely distracting him.  He flipped her off and ran, screaming his head off.

"Cierra?" Ven asked his little sister. "Scales" Immortal agreed. She walked away while Ven rolled the pant leg down.  He laid down and stared at the ceiling.  The first thought that came into his head was "I can't ever wear shorts again, not without those really long socks"

He started to laugh at the thought. "The things my brain thinks" he chuckled. Sky twitched and opened a bleary eye "Did I miss anything important?"   "No" Ven lied. Sky let out a sigh and fell back alseep.

Kyodia wandered back to the shooting range. "Was ewverything owkay?" Sally paused her activity. Immortal snapped back "Ya. Billy just fainted at what he saw"   Sally made a face "Bwilly dwoes thwat awot. Itw's weird thwat hwe iws a mwedic"     

"True" Immortal smirked. Billy flashed by, still running.

Ending of chapter time! Yay! Don't you guys just love them? Now, the scales. How do you guys feel about them? Yes, no, couldn't care more, or get those scales off right now! Tell me in the comments.

Apologies for shortness, I am doing this on the computer with five other people breathing down my back. Not exactly the best writing conditions :/.

Now for questions. Only one person asked. Okay. Guess no one wanted to know stuff about me. Okay laurenlovescats5, here you go. I live in Utah, my favorite animal is almost all of them, and my hair is brown. I almost typed blue.

I was thinking of posting another book, non-related to VenturainTale. Something I whipped up a year ago. Prepare yourself , I don't do descriptions very well.

It is about a girl who discovers she come from a long line a dragon shifters that come from another world called Mystica. Dragon shifters are next to royalty, and very rare. She is forced to come to this new world, and live among them.

People that can shift are common, pure-blooded humans incredibly rare as well. Shifters' other forms have put them into different houses. Each house gives their children the same last name, different depending on the house they're from.

One house has rebelled from the shadows, wanting total control. The drakkin shifters have secretly allied themselves with an age-old enemy, feathered serpents with wings called Chevloans. War has risen, but is not quite awake yet.  In a world full of magic and shapeshifters, that means nothing good.

I hoped you guys enjoyed that. In the comments. Yes or no? I wouldn't mind either way.  This book now has over 20,000 views. *Mind explodes* How? Is there even that many people on Wattpad? Thank you everyone that even read it in the first place! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!




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