Chapter 56

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Guys look! An actual picture! Yay!

3rd POV

"It's starting" Prince Fang hissed satisfactorily. Already Borminerf was receiving reports of missing groups and large amount of dead worms.

As ordered, dragons have also gone into hiding, to symbolize that they were being picked off as well. Dominance fighting victims were to be left alone. No one was to eat a corpse.

Prince Fang had been hiding how many were killed before. Now he gave real numbers, under the impression that they were being destroyed as well. Borminerf was scratching his head, trying to figure it all out.

"How?" he raged, pacing back and forth "How are they killing so many of my forces?" Prince Fang said nothing, he just stood in a dark corner.

His minions could kill any of the worms, but the first employee death was Prince Fang's choice.

The chosen victim was head-scientist Dr. Bigifart. The man constantly wore a lab coat, and had always treated Prince Fang like an mutt. Unwanted, but necessary.

Bigifart was perfect. Not only could Prince Fang settle a score, he would also be delivering a solid blow to the corporation.

"How? How how how how how how?" Borminerf tugged on his hair. He was starting to pull out clumps of white.

"I don't know sir" Bigifart flipped through his small notepad "The only evidence are the dead bodies themselves. Beside that we have absolutely nothing to go on"

The main doors slammed open and a small dragon scurried in. "What!" Borminerf yelled. The small dragon ignored him and bowed to Prince Fang. "My liege. The scouts have nothing to report" it hissed.

Borminerf face turned red "How dare you ignore me! I am your leader!" "My only leader is Prince Fang" the dragon said coldly.

"Fang is no leader. Just a retarded dragon that was born lucky!" Bigifart spat, covering the other old man's surprised silence.

The small dragon quivered, ready to pounce on the disgusting human who dared to disrespect her prince. There was a stare off between the two.

Prince Fang jumped in between the enemies. He needed to keep up the loyalty act. "No fighting! I am Mr. Borminerf's worker" Prince Fang forced those last words out.

He turned to the dragon "You will give the reports to Mr. Borminerf" he hissed, telepathically adding "Give him the fake reports only. Nod to show you agree"

The other dragon gave a nod. "Good. What do you have to report?" Borminerf motioned for the dragon to continue. "The scouts have nothing to report.. Sir" it rasped.

"We have successfully wiped out four more worm squadrons my liege"

Prince Fang nodded, to show he heard the real report. The small dragon turned and walked out. "How?" Borminerf went directly back to the original problem.

Borminerf and Bigifart decided to chat, pacing the room together.

Prince Fang let out a sigh. Both of the old men missed it, though Bigifart glanced around a little. Prince Fang curled his tail, imagining that it was around Borminerf's neck

When that was no longer amusing, he turned to the floor to wall bookcase Borminerf had. Stuffed full, the one entire wall was a bookcase, complete with those ladders that move.

Prince Fang hated to walk, it reminded him that he was handicap. But there was no room to fly. Bored, Prince Fang searched the endless titles. "The old man's a book hoarder" he mumbled.

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