Chapter 37

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"Let me get this straight" Flago rubbed his head. "You four are the Four Gods" he motioned at the Fryes "and your group of followers are the people you made up"

"And the reason you guys were in there was because you were kidnapped by an book club. And you escaped. The screaming was the creatures you killed to get out"

"That is about it" Bethany nodded.

They were sitting in the Acachalla's kitchen. "Ug, the paperwork for all of this is going to be killer. Thank you for your time and cooperation" Flago shook everyone's hands and shut the door behind him.

Jordan looked at his siblings "You guys know that we have to stop the BookClub right?" Isaac gave him a surprised look "Of course we do!"

"And I will help!" Papa Acachalla broke in. "So will I" Gertrude stood by her husband.

"I will!"

"I will!"

"I'll do whatever Billy does!"

"I will!"

"I will gladly beat those absolute nerds"

"Both Jimmy and I will help"

"I will help as well sir"

"I do what Mr. Ghost do"

Soon, everyone had agreed to help, everyone but Maxwell. He glared hatefully at Papa before saying "No!"

"Why not?" Isaac asked. "Because fatso is doing it" Maxwell said. Isaac sighed "That is a lame excuse" "But it is a reason!" Maxwell started to float away. "Cowered" Papa Acachalla snorted. Maxwell gritted his teeth.

"Please Maxwell?" Isaac begged. "Fine! Only because you said please and to prove to Papa Acachalla that I am not a cowered!" He snapped.

"Yay!" Cierra gave a little cry. "We shwould hwave a grwoup nwame!" Sally suggested. "Good idea Sally! Anybody got any suggestions?" Jordan asked.

He received a few shrugs, couple shaking heads, some blank faces, until Poopoo quietly murmured " How about Venturian Army?"

"I like it Poopoo, but I don't want it to be just about me. What about Tale Army?" Jordan got a lot of shaking heads. "I know, VenturArmy! V.A for short" Sue put in.

"I like the sound of that" Gertrude said. And if Gertrude approves, so do all the Acachallas. Yet somehow, it found favor in everyone's eyes, except for Venturian.

"Come on guys, don't do this. This needs to be named for all us, not just me" Jordan begged. "We're doing it Jordan" Bethany stated, crossing her arms. They all stared at him.

Jordan sighed "All right" The house exploded into cheers. "And you will be our leader" Maloney said firmly. Jordan rolled his eyes, but agreed.

"What now leader?" someone asked. "I guess we prepare the hou-" An explosion cut off his sentence. It rocked the entire house and sent the standing stumbling.

"What was that!?" Acachalla spat. As if to answer, a voice magnified by a bullhorn said "That was a warning shot. You have five minutes to send out Jordan or we will blow up the house"

The named man looked at his army. "You're not going to let me go, are you?" "You ain't going anywhere, bucko" Princeton Quagmire confirmed.

"But the house will be blown up!" Jordan protested. Billy shrugged "Won't be the first time. We can fix it again"

"You have four minutes"

"Where will we go?" Chakalatasoup voice quivered. An idea came up and slapped Jordan in the face. Literally. BMO, who had just magically appeared, jumped and slapped Jordan. On his screen was a picture.

"The heck? BMO! How did you.. You know what, never mind. Thank you for the idea. Do you know how to get there from here?" Jordan rubbed his cheek while asking.

BMO (I think that is how you spell it, but what do I know? *Stares dramatically at camera while starting to flap arms*) beeped, then flashed a new picture on it's screen. Like a little GPS, it showed a path to the new hiding spot.

"Can you come with us?" Isaac questioned. "Beep bop. Carry me!" BMO held up its little stick arms. Isaac leaned over and picked it up. "Aww, it's so cute!" Cierra cooed. BMO giggled.

"You have three minutes"

"Everyone start packing. Grab only the stuff you need. Meet back here in one minute" Jordan ordered, before dashing up the stairs. He took his iPod and all the weapons from the table. Isaac grabbed the same stuff.

"You have two minutes"

In the kitchen, Jordan did a head count. Mr. Sviggles had left them at the base, running to an old high school. No one had really mind.

Isaac, Bethany, Cierra, Papa Acachalla, Gertrude, Billy, Sally, Maddie-Friend, Johnny Ghost, Johnny Toast, Aimee, Cardboard Box Friend, Toilet Toucher, Officer Maloney, Princeton Quagmire, Chakalatasoup, Poopoo, Sue, Spencer, Maxwell, and now BMO.

"Everyone here?" he asked, knowing the answer to the question. "Yep" Papa Acachalla confirmed.

"Okay, when I count to three, we are going to run out the door. Isaac, you take the lead with BMO, guide us. Gertrude and Bethany, stay in the back and make sure no one falls behind. Cierra, Sally, you are on encouraging duty. Everyone else, stick together and stay with the group. Got it?"

VenturArmy nodded. Jordan turned, then twisted back. "I almost forgot, Maxwell, can you stay up with Isaac, protect him and clear the way?"

The sometimes evil ghost held a thumb up. "And Sally, can you sneak out and release Freddy for a distraction?" Jordan continued. "Ywes swir!" Sally saluted, before heading to a wall. She changed and quietly cut a hole in the wood.

"Everyone line up!" The VenturArmy stuff themselves into the tiny mud room. The familiar dinosaur roar rang out as Freddy charged the new people. Worms and dragons went flying as the cold blooded animal charged.

"One!" Jordan counted.



Haha! Cliffhanger! Don't you guys just love them? Sorry for it being later today, I kept getting distracted.

Question, have chapters 30-35 been weird? I feel like they kinda jump around all over the place. That could just be me over worrying.

Any way, I want to send out thanks to Flamegirl20 for the name of the army. I took it and twisted it a little, hope that is fine with you. So, thanks for reading!!!!

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