Chapter 43

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"Jordan, Freddie's cage, now" Gertrude pushed him in that direction. "But Freddie will kill me" Venturian protested. "Sally can make Freddie like you" Cierra informed.

"Ywea iwts ewasy. Jwust lwet hwim smwell ywou" Sally skipped ahead to and climbed the cage to Freddie. The reptile did nothing, until the others shoved Jordan in there.

He sniffed the air, and came charging at the human. "Nwo, bwad Fweddie! Cwome hwere!" Sally yelled. The dino stopped right in front of Ven. Ignoring the waffle-addict, he thrust his head forward and gave a giant sniff.

Then he did another. Freddie cocked his head, breathed in again, then turned around. He bounded over to Sally. The whole VenturArmy let out a sigh of relief. They all thought their leader was a goner.

Jordan also breathed in, unaware he had been holding his breath. Sally gave him a curious look "Fweddie hwas nwever lwiked a pwerson so fwast bwefore" she stated.

"Maybe I am just special" Ven shrugged. Sally glanced at him before climbing over the fence. Freddie roared then curled up to sleep in a corner. Ven cautiously approached him.

He reached out his hand and put it on Freddie's warm and dry scales. Nothing. Freddie didn't even twitch. Bolder, Jordan climbed to on top of his belly. Still nothing.

Feeling as safe as you can in a cage with a dinosaur, Ven slide down the other side. Now he had a dino protector. Jordan hid himself in the darkest corner that was behind Freddie.

The rest of the army prepared themselves for Jeff's arrival.

Jimmy was getting nervous. They were already in the boring grey room. Jeff had thoroughly examined it and the other room, and was ready to open the door. The glass table had not activated when Jeff touched it.

Jimmy trusted BMO to get the message across, but he worried that it wasn't enough time. He tried to give them some more time.

Acting unsure of an area and having Jeff come look at it. He even asked to see the thing that Jeff had to put in Jordan's hand.

It was a plastic bubble. It was translucent and small, but Jimmy had no doubt it would turn into one of those big bubbles from the factory. That confirmed that the BookClub had hired Jeff the Killer.

Jeff had stored it in a special container that he said was made just for it. Jimmy kept an eye on it, watching for an opportunity to snatch it. But it never came.

"You ready partner?" Jeff croaked. Jimmy nodded and let his smile creep up on his face. Taking out Knifey, he held it at ready. Jeff grabbed the knob. "On three" he warned.


"TwoAGH!" Jeff screamed. Knifey had imbedded itself into his arm, and Jimmy was running into the room. "He's coming!" Jimmy yelled, thankful nobody was shooting at him.

Clicks of safety being turned off echoed around the room. The door swung open silently, and a figure with a grey hoodie stood there. The hood covered his face, but blood dripped from an injury on his arm. He threw a bloody knife at the ground.

"Jimmy, how could you?" Jeff whisper loudly. "I can't let you kill Jordan, Jeffy. He is Venturian and also my creator, so I can't let you do this" Jimmy explained with a hint of remorse.

Jeff looked up. All the girls but Sally gasped at his face. "Hwi Jweff!" she waved happily. "Sally!" Jeff was shocked "You're here too?" "Ywep" she turned suspicious "Awre ywou hwere to kwill Jwordan?"

"Yes" Jeff answered. Sally scowled at him "Nwo" The killer hadn't been surprised like this in nearly a decade. He looked at the Army "All of you?" They all nodded.

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