Chapter 49

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Sky's POV

After introducing me to everyone, Bethany herded me to a guest room. Which Venturian had made by pushing a button. Wish I could do that. The room was simple, but based off Minecraft.

Lower green and higher blue walls with spawns and mobs painted on them. My bed was a giant block of dirt. It was weird, but I loved it. Sue and Maloney laid me down on my bed before leaving.

"Nice room" Bethany said, walking over to me. She tucked me under my covers like a little child, before switch off the lights (decorated as glowstone) and shutting the door. I waited for my eyes to adjust. Even in the dark the room was awesome. The painted creatures glowed faintly in the dark.

It was hard with all the casts, but I managed to find a comfortable position. I relaxed as they started playing games again. I fell asleep to the sound yelling, shushing, and the soft droning of chatter.


3rd POV

"What do you guys think about Sky?" Ven dealt out the cards slowly, like a gangster trying to show that he wasn't cheating. "I don't like him" Papa stuffed more popcorn in his face. "You don't like everyone but Gertrude, Billy, and Sally" Ghost reminded him "and maybe the pizza man"

Papa scowled "Do you got any of dem seahorses?" "Go fish" Ghost smugly said. Papa glared at him before reaching for another card. "Ha!" he slammed four cards on the table. "A catch!"

"What! No way!" Ghost protested. "Look and weep, loser!" Papa proudly held up four seahorse cards. "Apparently, it is yes way, Sir" Toast attempted a joke. It felt flat for his partner, but sent the whole table into fits.

"Seriously though, what do you think?" Ven managed to ask once he got his breath back. "I think he will be average. Probably have to teach him everything. Won't be the best at anything. Personality wise, I think he will fit in" Toast gave his professional opinion. Ghost nodded his agreement.

"He won't be doing anything for five months" Billy warned "Not with all those broken bones. Five months at the least, six just to be safe. Papa Acachalla! Got any octopuses?"

Papa grumbled and slid a card over. "Six months, this whole thing might be over in six months" Maxwell mused "Sue, tuna?" The masked man shook his head "Go fish" The top card zoomed through the air and neatly joined Maxwell's stack.  "Let's hope it doesn't take that long" Homeless worried "I don't think Mom could handle an empty house any longer"

'Pffft. Dude, you live with your mom?" Spencer received a glare. "You live with Gertrude" Goomba pointed out.  "I'm like twelve, you absolute nerd" Spencer lisped. "A twelve year old that has the hacking skills of a super genius, and the brain of a military general. You could live anywhere you wanted" Isaac said.  Spencer squinted "Touche. And he admits the superiority of the Mighty Spenc!"

"More popcorn anybody?" Gertrude walked over with a gallon bucket filled to the brim with freshly popped corn. Several hands raised up in the air. She handed it out, before dumping the rest into her husband's own empty gallon bucket. He grunted happily. More popcorn went down his pie-hole. 

Gertrude went back to the kitchen where Chakalatasoup, Poopoo, and, surprisingly, Maddie-Friend were working furiously, producing more and more buckets of the yellow stuff. Sally was also over there, demanding a new waffle the second she finished the last. With Slender standing silently right beside her, the cooks couldn't refuse her demand.  Poopoo had temporarily taken waffle duty while Gertrude delivered the popcorn.  

She was not reluctant to give up her spot, and gleefully went back to her grandpa's side. Chaka was just as relieved. He gave her a quick side hug without stopping. "I think we're done with the popcorn" Gertrude yelled back, motioning briefly to the tower of buckets with her pancake flipper.  "I think your right" Soup wiped his hands on his apron before joining the rest of the men in their manly game of Go Fish.

Poopoo sat at the same table as Immortal, Bethany, and Aimee. They were enjoying a good game of Life. When Sally had her fill, she also played. Maddie-Friend snuck over to the men table, and surprised Billy with a bear hug. He screamed and tried to wiggle out of her grasp. She only let go when Bethany invited her over to play with the rest of the girls. Bethany had seen the commotion and decided to help "Hey Maddie-Friend! Do you want to play Life with us?"

"What's that?" Maddie asked, still holding Billy. "It's a game where you can go to collage, have a job, get married-"  Maddie interrupted Bethany "Can the guy be Billy?"    "Yes" Bethany explained patiently. "Ohhhh!" she squealed, dropping Billy like a rock.  Maddie-Friend sprinted over and waited impatiently while Kyodia explained the rules. When she finally gained the little blue person, she screamed in delight.

"I love you Fake Billy! Not killer Fake Billy, I didn't like him. I like this Fake Billy and Real Billy. Maybe he will sign my shirt!?" Maddie spent the rest of the game trying to get the little blue figure to hold a pen.

Jordan glanced at the clock. His eyes widened and he stood up "Okay folks, three in the morning. Everyone to bed. Extra two hours of sleep" There were cheers at that statement.  Followed by yawns as the tiredness hit them. Shuffling like zombies, they headed to their rooms.

Hello people. I cannot tell if this chapter is long or short. I'm writing this on the computer instead of my iPod as usual. I hope it is long. It should be by my probably way off calculations. I am not Spencer. The virtual soda from yesterday wasn't coke or anything. It was grape juice. I kinda lied about it being soda. Oops? 

Sorry it is later, I had to help clean a neighbor's house. Got five bucks for doing four tasks, awesome. Random question for y'all. Who else went to ComicCon? I got a 200 paged book there and finished it in the same day. Good book. But everything there was so expensive. My mom spent like eighty bucks buying a comic book and getting Stan Lee sign it. Plus another five dollars to get a sticker to show it was authentic.  I swear they were trying to drain us dry. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter.  




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