Chapter 6

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Hey guys, thanks for reading! Sorry if the last chapter was too long. I wanted to make up for Sunday. Thanks for wasting your time on this!

"Billy, get outa my tv room!" The yell woke Jordan. "So,", he thought, rubbing his eyes "not a dream. We still are here"

He climbed down from the top bunk. Gertrude knocked on his door " There are extra clothes in the top drawer if you want to change, hon. Same for your brother"

"Thanks Gertrude" Jordan softly told her. She turned around a repeated the message to Bethany who was in the other room. "Thanks" Bethany called.

Jordan crossed the room and opened the dresser. He had two choices. Denim with a black shirt, or denim with a blue shirt.

"Lets go with the blue" he thought "after all, it is my color. Isaac can take the black. He'll be happy with that"

Jordan slipped off his old clothes and slid on his new ones. The fabric was soft and stretchy.

Glancing at Isaac, he decided to give him five more minutes of sleep. Jordan walked over and looked inside the closet, curious.

There was one jacket. It was the same blue as on his shirt, only a little darker. What really caught his attention was the design on the front. It was a large golden V on top of a red triangle. Their emblem!

"How did this end up here?" Jordan mumbled.

Bethany was thinking the same thing. She had found a green sweater with cyan skirt. The skirt had a little crowbar design sewn on it.

"This is the same outfit I designed for my character on our channel. Why is it here?" Cierra still hasn't woken up and Bethany was starting to worry.

Jordan finished slipping on his new jacket. It was just his size. "Why do we not have this in our shop?" he wondered.

Isaac moaned and flipped over in his sleep. Jordan walked and leaned over him. Sticking his finger in his mouth, he got it nice and wet. Delicately, he lined up his finger with Isaac's ear, then gave him a nice,big Wet Willy.

"Eeewww, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew" Isaac slapped Jordan's finger away. "Time to get up" Jordan said. "There are clothes in the dresser. Think Gertrude is making waffles"

"What are you wearing?" Isaac glared at him. "Clothes" came the reply.


"Why would I joke about that?"

Isaac glared at him.

"Fine. There are extra clothes in the dresser. I found the jacket in the closet"

"Why does it have our emblem on it?"

"No clue"

The three siblings tromped downstairs. Papa Acachalla was sitting in his "secret" TV room, while Billy and Gertrude were eating cereal.

"What, no waffles?" asked Jordan. "That is only when Sally is here hon" Gertrude told them. "Were is Sally?" asked Bethany, curious about the whereabouts of her sister's creation.

"Creepypasta High took a overnight "field trip". I suspect we will hear about some more murders this week" Gertrude stated.

"Oh" Bethany said in a small voice.

"Come on!" Billy said, frustrated. He was trying to get the last Fruit Loop with his spoon.

"Here, let me help" Bethany grabbed his hand and maneuvered it to get the last Loop. "Thanks!" he said happily. He shoved it into his mouth, then grabbed his backpack and skipped to the door.

"Billy sweetie!"

"Yes Mama?"

"Give it to me hon"

"But Mama Gertrude!'

"No Billy. Last time you took the gun to school you killed the principle. We cant have two dead principles in one week hon. Give it here"

"Fine" With a sad, look on his face, Billy handed Gertrude his gun. "I need all of them hon" Giving her a pouty lip, Billy handed over all six guns.

"Sorry about that. We try to limit it to one death a week , per person" Gertrude apologized.

"That's okay" Jordan said, trying to eat his CoCo Puffs without looking at the giant dinosaur chained in the front yard. Bethany munched on Cheerios, while Isaac stuffed his face with Marshmallow Maties.

There was about a ten second silence. The only sound was Acachalla snoring and the TV. "What was that thump last night" Gertrude asked, starting to get a conversation started.

"That was Isaac" Jordan explained " We raced for the top bunk. He got there first, so I motivated him to move" Isaac interrupted "In other words, he pushed me off"

"And your sister?"

"She is still sleeping" Bethany told them.

A engine sounded in the distance. Gertrude's eyes widened as she frantically started to clean up.

"Help!" she whisper- yelled. "If Sally doesn't find waffles at the table, we are screwed"

The siblings stood up in hurry , not wanting to face evil Sally, and helped Gertrude carry all the pre-made waffles to the table. They were in stacks of twenty, and there was five stacks. Each person carried one stack to the table.

Gertrude silently counted the amount, and paled even more when she counted only one hundred waffles. Jordan, Bethany, and Isaac stood silently as they watched Gertrude magically make twenty more and place them on the table.

Not a moment to so. The moment the plate touched the table, the door flew open.

Thanks for reading!

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