Chapter 17

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"What about you?" Papa Acachalla asked back.

"Are we coming or not?" Isaac restated his question.

Acachalla gave him a weird look before answering with "No"

"What! You can't leave us here! That's dangerous! We have to mostly unknown men running around!" Jordan protested.

"How is that any different then when we let you two men in" Papa countered.

"First off, I'm the only man. Isaac isn't even eighteen yet" Isaac's cry was cut off. "Second, what if Freddy escapes?"

Acachalla rolled his eyes "Freddy's chain is made of the strongest metal in the world. He hasn't escaped in five years. And this is a family vacation, you four are not family"

"Bwut Papa, Thwey fweel lwike fwamily! Cwierra iws thwe swister I nwever hwad!" Sally protested.

"I know Sally, but they hadn't paid the family fee" Papa Acachalla reminded her.

"But!" Isaac started, only to be cut off by Bethany "Isaac, they have made their decision. Leave it"

"Least somebody in their family is smart" Acachalla mumbled as he walked away.

"Sorry" Billy said as he walked past. Sally came up and gave Cierra a hug, then surprised Jordan with one as well.

He stiffened, so it was like she was hugging a pole. Then he awkwardly patted her on the back. Isaac couldn't keep in a snort when he saw Jordan's face.

Sally let go and they piled into the car "See ya losers" Spencer yelled as climbed into the car.

"How come Spencer gets to go? He is way more annoying then us!" Cierra thought.

"Where are they going?" Ghost had snuck up on the Fryes, scaring them.

"Family vacation" Bethany answered.

"Without us" Isaac added sourly. "Oh, I was going to tell him we are almost out if salsa. I'm going to the store to buy more. That also means we are staying another day" Ghost told them.

"Toast is staying here to use up the rest if the salsa. Don't get in his way" Johnny Ghost warned as he walked out the door.

Jordan looked at his siblings "Upstairs, my room, now" he ordered. They all did a nod and followed him into his room.

A spying Toast trailed behind. He didn't trust these Betgoimvens. Especially the one called Jordan. Him and Ghost were way too similar.

He had been watching. Both of them were right handed. They sounded almost exactly the same. Johnny Toast wanted to know something, maybe this meeting will tell him what.

The Fryes shuffled in. Cierra, being the last, turned and locked the door. Girls sat on the bottom bunk, while the boys took the floor.

"So" Bethany started "We get to spend two more days with a part time serial killer"

"No. Jimmy is a serial killer, not Johnny" Jordan corrected her "They may share a body, but they are defiantly different people"

In the hallway, Toast held back a gasp, they knew!

"Well, what did you bring us in here for?" Cierra asked. "To tell you how not to activate Jimmy" Jordan stated.

"First, don't talk about Jimmy Casket. Don't let him know that we know. He will end you. Mom would kill me if we got back with any if you guys dead"

"Try not to cut yourself. Or draw blood in general. Casket loves it. Do what ever Johnny asks you to do. Set boundaries, but mostly do what he wants"

"Keep stress off him. Be helpful. Don't take about murder or anything like that. Also, don't show that we are afraid, Jimmy loves fear. I've run out of ideas, anybody got more?"

"Knives" Bethany added "Try not to talk about them. That is his weapon after all"

"Good idea Bethany!" Jordan said.

"And secrets" Isaac reminded them.

"Yes, can't forget that" Cierra added.

Toast stood up and walked away, missing Jordan's next words. "Ug. Why did I have to make them the same person?!" He buried his face into his hands.

"Hey, you had no idea that we would be sucked into G-Mod and meet them!" Bethany comforted him "No one did!"

"I know" Jordan agreed "but being the oldest and his creator, I just can't help but feel responsible"

Then he lifted his head. "As the responsible one, I can tell you what do!" he said happily. "You do that anyway" Isaac muttered.

"Isaac, I burden you with a glorious purpose of burying the knives" Jordan turned to Bethany "You know the kitchen, show Isaac where the knives are"

"Alright. Thankfully, they only have three, cause Maxwell, and Sally" Bethany walked with Isaac downstairs.

"Cierra, can you be in charge of keeping Toast busy while they work?" Jordan asked. "Yes Sir!" Cierra saluted.

Bethany and Isaac buried each knife in a different spot. Cierra couldn't find Toast, who was watching from the tree house.

"Look at them" he mused "they know not to put them in the same spot. How do they know that the boss and Mr. Casket are the same?"

"Should I tell him? If I do that might bring out Jimmy?" Toast fought inside himself, should he tell or not? Eventually, loyalty to Ghost won, and he decided to tell Johnny Ghost.

Fifteen minutes later, the P.I.E van pulled into the driveway. Toast hurried down the ladder and crossed the property.

Ghost was trying to bring in all the jars of salsa. He set all but two down.

"Good timing Johnny Toast. I need you to pick up as many jars of salsa as you can...What is wrong Johnny?" Ghost looked at his silent partner.

"They know, Sir" Toast blurted.

"Know what Johnny?"

"Your other half, Sir" Toast's voice, quivered with those words.

Ghost's eyes widened, then he doubled over. The salsa jars fell to the ground and shattered. He groaned.

"Are you alright Sir?" Toast went to help his partner, only to stop when Ghost stood up.

Ghost was paler then before. He had also gone on a weight loss spree and was skinnier. But what scared Toast the most was his eyes. They had gone from golden brown to blood red.

"So they know my secret?" Jimmy Casket laughed. His high pitched voice let lose a giggle.

He pulled out his knife and scooped up salsa from the ground with it. Jimmy licked the sauce off his knife.

"Well, now they must pay!"

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