Chapter 4

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Hi guys! Once again thanks for reading this book. That is so kind of you.

Cierra was the first to feel it, belly flopping into the water. Isaac nearly landed on her, missing by inches. Jordan splashed in feet first and Bethany did a big cannon ball.

Jordan's head burst out of the water. Gasping like a fish out of water, he saw Isaac doggy-paddling to the edge of the pool. Looking around, he mentally did a head count while treading water. One....Two....Three.

Next he did a vocal count "Isaac!"





Silence. They all looked at her lifeless, floating body. "Cierra!" Bethany yelled. Her and Isaac had already heaved themselves out.

Jordan swam over, grabbed her, and dragged Cierra to the side of the pool.

"Help me pull her out!" he cried. Each sibling grabbed an arm and pulled her up. Everyone's clothes clung to their skin.

"Isaac, go find some help!", Jordan ordered as he started to do CPR. Isaac ran towards the nearest house, only to drop to the ground when a gun shot rang through the air.

"Isaac!" Bethany screamed. "No!", Jordan yelled, slapping the ground. "Uh, guys!", Isaac said "I'm all right"

"That there was a warning shot" called out a strangely familiar voice. "Shut up Jordan, this is no time to joke around" Bethany said, annoyed.

"I didn't say anything!" protested Jordan. "I did" said a man, stepping into the sunlight.

"Papa Acachalla!?" they all gasped.

Hey guys, sorry for the shorter chapter today, been hanging out with CoCoaWrites all day today! Thanks for wasting time in this!

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