Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Sorry if this is weird or short today. I'm going to my Grandma's house today and be writing this in between things. Thanks for wasting your time on this!

The door slammed open and everyone froze, hoping Sally was in a good mood.

"Oh my G-O-S-H. I smwell waffles!" Jordan sent Gertrude a questioning look. "The Lego Movie" Gertrude explained.
He raised both eyebrows in return. They had the same movies here!

Sally bursted into the room. "Waffles!" she cried happily. Ignoring the guests, who let out a relieved breath, she sat down and immediately started stuffing her face with waffles.

After devouring two stacks in record time, she paused long enough to look around. "Mama, we gowt gwests!"

"Yes we do honey. We have Isaac, Bethany, Cierra is upstairs unconscious, and this is Jordan" Each gave a little wave when their name was called.

Sally's eyes glanced over all of them, but lingered on Jordan for a while. Then she turned with out a word and inhaled more waffles.

Gertrude looked relieved. No deaths today. "How was your trip?" she asked. "Gweat. We wearnd how to do sow manwy thwings!"

"No details hon. We have guests over" Gertrude reminded her. Sally rolled her eyes, but continued eating.

Gertrude finally noticed Jordan's jacket. "Oh, you wear the symbol of Venturian" Jordan stiffened. "How do you know about him" He wondered. "Probably shouldn't tell her I'm him" Jordan thought.

"Who doesn't know him! The gods Venturian, ImmortalKyodi, BethanyFrye, and HomelessGoomba created this world. They come every day and bring new things"

"They also take over people and do things with them. You are considered very lucky to be controlled by them" Gertrude explained.

"We know they also go by alternate names. You have them, but they are very common. Everybody wants to name their kids after the Four Gods of Garrysville"

Gertrude looked at them strangely. "How do you not know this?" she asked them. "We are travelers" Bethany explained.

"That explains it." Gertrude said, smiling. She turned her back and the siblings shared a confused look at each other.

"I better go check on Cierra" Isaac broke in. "I'll come with you" volunteered both Jordan and Bethany.

Isaac opened the girls door softly, trying to be quite. But he was betrayed by a loud squeak from the hinges.

Cierra was sitting up with her back towards the door. When the door squeaked she turned to face it. A big smile broke out on her face when she saw Isaac.

She jumped up and hugged him. "I was starting to think I was kidnapped" she told him "I woke up in this room alone, with a splitting headache"

"Sorry about that" Isaac apologized. "Where is Bethany and Jordan?" Cierra questioned.

"They're coming. Gertrude probably held them back" Isaac said.
"Gertrude? Unless we meet another person with that name, I think you are hallucinating"

"Woman, I need my back shaved!" That was Papa Acachalla.
"No way I'm doing that that!"
There was Gertrude answer.

"Those two still doing that?" Cierra shook her head. "Who's still doing what?" Asked Jordan, while opening the door.

"The shaving your back thing" Cierra implied.

"Dang it woman, now we are out of shampoo!"
"You don't use shampoo, hon. You just want an excuse to get me in there to shave your back"
"No, we are out of shampoo!"
"Do you want me to bring you my crowbar instead!" The redhead warned.
"Nope, I just found some! Never mind!" Papa Acachalla yelped.

All the siblings looked at Cierra. "I still don't believe you" she told them. "Iwl gwet youw shawmpoo Papa!" Sally called. Cierra paled at the sound of her voice being used, but not by her.

"Um, no Sally I'm fine!"
"Youw shwure?"
"Yep. As sure as Lettuce Squirrels are evil"

Cierra looked at her siblings. "There is no way you guys could have done that. So where are we?"

"In G-Mod, but its called Garrysville in here" Jordan answered her question.

"Apparently we are gods to them, but they only call us by are YouTube names. They also think our real names are fake. What they don't know is that we are their "gods" in real life " Bethany explained.

"What are you wearing?" Cierra asked them. "Clothes we found in the dresser. It is weird that they are the same clothes as the ones I drew for our channel" Bethany said.

"I was thinking the same thing" Jordan added. He sat on the bed and Bethany followed him. "Same here" Isaac agreed.

"Now that we are all here, I think we need to settle some ground rules" Jordan started.

Hey guys, I'm going to end it right here. I figured it is long enough to fill your brain for today. Thanks for reading!

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