Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Once again thanks for reading this little book. Sorry if last time was too short.

"All right, first things first. We need rice for our iPods" Jordan started.

"Ya, and I need to change my clothes. You guys can get the rice while I change. So everyone out" Cierra made shooing motions with her hands.

Every one shuffled out. Cierra shut the door behind Isaac, the last one out. She hurriedly changed her clothes and followed them out. Before she left Cierra grabbed a pair of sneakers that was by the doorway.

"Where did you get the shoes?" Bethany asked when Cierra joined them downstairs.

"Upstairs by the doorframe. Didn't you see them?" Cierra sat down on the stairs to put her shoes on while Bethany shook her head.

"Look at that. Purple shirt with a blue and yellow Batman symbol on it. Why did I expect that?" Isaac called out.

He and Jordan walked out of the kitchen carrying a bag of rice. Isaac had two, but he gave one to Cierra.

They all opened a bag and stuck their iPods in one.

"Lazy butt over there made me carry two" Isaac complained. Jordan returned with "But they are so heavy!" He whined and dramatically flopped onto the stairs.

"Grow up Jordan, your twenty three years old. Grow some muscles!" Cierra stomped on his foot while she was talking.

"Ow! Shoes?"

"Upstairs by your bedroom doorframe"

"Race you there Isaac!" Jordan called, running upstairs.

"No fair! You got a head start!" Isaac raced after him.

"No running boys!" Bethany called after them. She started walking up the stairs as well.

Cierra watched them race with a small smile on her face.

"They are different when you are awake. More happy" Cierra jumped at the voice.

Standing in front of her was a short woman with fire red hair. She wore a green sweater and wielded a crowbar like she knew how to use it. And she did.

Sally stood behind her. She wore mahogany colored shirt, headband and brown shorts.

"Gertrude!" Cierra stood up and started thanking her. Gertrude held up a hand, stopping her words.

"It was no trouble hon. Just doing what I always do. Besides, Bethany has thanked me enough"

"Why dwoes onwly Bwethany hawve wed haiwr? Youw awll hawve brwon haiwr buwt Bwethany" asked Sally.

"Sally!" Gertrude scolded "You don't ask why a somebody has a different hair color then others"

"Oh that's fine" Bethany said from behind them. "The reason why my siblings hair is brown and mine red is because I got a genetic mutation. If I didn't get the mutation, then my hair probably would be brown like them"

"Owkay. Thwat mwakes swense. Cawn ywou mwake waffles?" Sally asked Bethany.

"Yes" Bethany said. Sally jumped up and started rambling about waffles. Gertrude shook her head and walked into the kitchen.

Bethany followed Gertrude into the kitchen to help her cook waffles, leaving Cierra alone with her creation.

"Watcha talking about?" Jordan asked, walking down the steps.

Sally glanced at him. Then she looked again and her jaw dropped. Her rambling had stopped and she just stared at an oblivious Jordan.

"Do you like my shoes?" Jordan asked. He had no idea of the influence he had on Sally.

Jordan strutted down the hallway like he was walking in a fashion show. The shoes were red and blue with gold laces.

"Ya, they match your shirt" Cierra told him. "Yours do to" He reminded her.

Her shoes were purple, and yellow with blue laces.

"And mine?" Isaac shoved his shoe in Cierra's face. His were black with red, blue, and yellow laces.

She slapped his foot away. "Yes, yours are cool today" "Lets go see what Bethany is doing!" cried Jordan.

"Carry me!" Cierra yelled at them. Jordan and Isaac linked their arms and Cierra sat on them like a chair.

They carried her into the kitchen this way. Both the cooking redheads smiled as the others walked in this way.

Sally followed at a distance with a dreamy look on her face.

Isaac and Jordan dropped Cierra on a chair. "You're heavy' Isaac groaned. Cierra slapped his arm. "Are you calling me fat?"

"No, Papa Acachalla is fat, not you"

"I'm not fat! I'm just mildly chunky!' came the call from the other room. They all chuckled.

Everyone but Sally, who kept staring at Jordan. Two thoughts kept going through Sally's head "Mine" and "Waffles"

Uh oh! Bet nobody saw that coming! Sally has a crush on Jordan! Big plot twist! Can't wait to see what trouble that causes in the future.

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