Chapter 28

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"How do police get force fields?" Cierra asked. "Like I said. They are special police. They get special equipment" Jimmy said. Isaac made a "duh" face.

"Hey!" Cierra reached over and punched him in the arm. He rubbed his arm. Jimmy watched in amusement. "So, what do we do now?" Jimmy flung himself onto Isaac's bunk.

"I guess we could go down and watch another movie" Jordan shrugged. "Oo, let's do that!" Jimmy clapped his hands "Can it be another murder movie?"


"Fine. You guys are no fun" Jimmy crossed his arms and pouted. Everybody walked downstairs and into the living room. Feeling like making Casket suffer, they turned on My Little Pony.

The old ones. The ones that were so bad that ponies didn't look like ponies. More like really mutated horses.

Jimmy perked up "O hey, I haven't seen this episode before!" They all stared at him. "What! Just because Johnny is a ghost hunter, doesn't mean that he can't enjoy MLP as much as I love stabbing"

"Bronie" Isaac snorted. Jordan shook his head at the killer. Bethany and Cierra gave him a thumbs up. Jimmy looked hurt. That quickly faded as the show continued. The episode lasted thirty minutes.

By then, everybody but Jordan had slipped off the couch and onto the ground. Jimmy on one side, Jordan the other. His three siblings had also moved closer to him.

The credits quickly started to flash on the screen. "Can we see another one?" Jimmy asked. Before anyone could say anything, the doorbell rang.

"I'm not getting it. Because I don't trust Jimmy with you guys alone, and every time I answer it, something happens" Jordan called out.

"I'll get it" Bethany stood and walked to the door. Before her stood fifteen men and women standing on the porch.

"Hello ma'am, are you the owner of this house?" a man in his late twenties asked her.

Like the rest of his crew, he wore dark, skintight, uniform with random buckles and pockets everywhere. Each person had a different animal sewn on their uniform.

The leader had a black panther on his shoulders. Unlike the rest of his team the leader, the man who spoke, had a beret on.

"Um, no. But I can take a message for her" Bethany held open the door wider. The man glanced at her.

"We want the owner to know that there is a murderer lose in this neighborhood. We are telling you to lock your windows and doors. Keep all children inside and report anything suspicious"

While he was talking, Isaac wandered up behind with Cierra. "Whose this?" he asked.

"I am Captain Flago from the S.P.F. I lead the twelfth division and is charged with finding Jimmy Casket" he said before Bethany even opened her mouth. Bethany gave him her death glare.

Hearing his creation's name, Jordan walked to the door "Hey guys what's WHAAAAAAAA!" That last part came from the fact that Captain Flago had tackled him.

"I'm not Jimmy! I'm not Jimmy!" Jordan cried out high pitched from the floor. The people outside had pulled out their guns and where aiming at Jordan. "Jordan!" Cierra yelled.

Sweet little Bethany suddenly became very violent. "Get off him!" she grabbed his uniform and dragged him off Jordan. She crouched down by him.

"You okay Jordan?"

He sat up "I think I'm fine. Nothing feels broken or anything. Thanks for getting him off" Bethany helped him up.

"When did you get so strong?" he asked. Bethany shrugged. Flago was still shocked by the ginger's strength. Shaking it off, he glared at them.

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