Chapter 51

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3rd POV

It was over before they could blink. A dragon took one step into the room, and activated security. Machine guns popped out of the ceiling and activated. None of the creatures had a chance, even if they were prepared. Squeals rang from the small room, mixed with gunshots.

When the guns stopped Sue called out "Hello? Anything still alive?" Freddie roared the same message. Seconds pass, and nothing answered back. "Maxwell, Aimee, go check it out" Venturian motioned to the other room. The ghosts nodded, then slipped through the door frame into the dark room. Box Friend loyally stayed in the same general area as Johnny Ghost.

After a couple minutes of suspence, the French girl walked out "Maxwell says fine. You see? Not pretty" she warned. "I'll come" Ven stood, and came to the doorway. He was followed by both P.I.E members, Toilet Toucher, and Gertrude. "Billy, honey, can you go tell Papa he can bring Sky out?" Gertrude called before entering.

"Yes Mama Gertrude" Billy obediently started over to the guest room. Rest of V.A started some chatter, still tense. Goomba jumped up and joined his brother in the other room.

The room stank of blood, which was splattered everywhere. Ghost was forced to leave seconds after Homeless joined them. His jacket kept switching colors, showing the inner battle raging inside. Toast went to follow, but Jordan put a hand on his shoulder "He'll be fine" Venturian reassured.

Dead carcasses laid everywhere, spread out. A worm laid slumped against the wall, party hat askew. Another was face down, arms spread wide. A dragon near by was missing it's head. Isaac started gagging, and Ven looked close behind. Gertrude went to comfort Goomba without looking at the mess. Toast grimaced, and Toucher was un- effected.

A dragon laid on its side, bullet wounds peppering it's body . Venturian walked up to it "This is disgusting" Toast appeared next to him "I agree Big Sir. The serious injuries show that our security system means business" he looked around again "This reminds me of a Jimmy Casket scene. That is half the reason Sir left, not just cause of Jimmy"

Ven gave a understanding smile. Maxwell floated by "Do we have to clean this up?" Venturian frowned "I hope not. It would take forever. Lets go ask BMO before this horrible smell kills us all"

"But we can come back from the dead" Toast pointed out. "Figuratively Johnny" Ven sighed Johnny scrunched his eyebrows. Then his eyes light up "Ohhhh I see" The others were amused, even Goomba managed to smile, when he wasn't barfing.

"I was serious about getting out. It smells like death" to prove his point, Jordan started for the door. When they past the laying dragon, something happened. Toast later called it an untimely muscle contraction, but all they knew at the time was this.

When Venturian walked past the dead reptile, one of it's hind legs flicked out. Unprepared, he couldn't get out of the way in time. The one big claw on the foot left a pretty deep gash on the back of Venturian's leg.

Ven let out a short scream, then started to hop on his other leg.

Ghost rushed in, but when he saw the blood running down Jordan's leg, he rushed out, twitching. Toast grabbed Venturian and forced him to sit. He lifted the injured leg untill it was above Ven's head. Everyone else rushed in.

Billy immediately turned around and ran for bandages, pushing people out of his way. Soon the doorway was blocked, people in the from frozen by the sight. Slender teleported in with

Sally in his arms. She paused briefly, before burying her face in his jacket.

SlenderMan didn't hesitate to wrap his unnaturally long arms around her.

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