Chapter 55

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3rd POV

Venturian stiffened. Something was wrong. He twisted quickly, surveying his seemingly empty room. Nothing was out of place, but Ven could still sense a presence.

Jordan's ever present knife fitted perfectly into his palm. The lights flickered. Seconds later they gave out, plunging the room into darkness.

A small smile formed " That won't help them. I own the dark. Me, Jimmy and Sally at least" The thought flittered through Ven's mind. Nevertheless, his grip tightened on the plastic handle.

A darker color blob surged forward. Vent instinctively lifted his blade, and was rewarded with a satisfying clang. The blob faded into the background.

The next attack was from behind. Prepared, Vent stepped forward. He felt the breeze as the enemy weapon missed.

Quickly spinning, he lashed out with his leg. He felt nothing hit his limb. A quite thud alerted Ven that his attacker had landed.

He kicked out again, this time making contact. The blob let out a small grunt as it collapsed. Vent's knife flashed, piercing the ground where the blob had been half a second earlier.

The enemy rolled behind Jordan's bed, where he lost sight of him. The backside of the scales on Vent's leg itched. Immediately he jumped backwards.

The scales still remained a secret between the Fryes. The patch had grown a little, covering all of his calf. Still blue, but undertones of red and yellow showed in the light.

Jordan didn't mind having them, they served as an early warning system. Like his own Spider-sense.

When the scales on the left itched, the danger was on the left. Right side itched, danger on right. Back of the scales, trouble coming from front.

Pretty simple.

The discovery was interesting. Sally was on her first rampage in a long while, and everyone was hiding. Even SlenderMan had to keep out of her reach. Every person but Jordan, who had missed this while in the bathroom.

He had swung the door open, and taken fifteen steps before realizing something was wrong. Vent started taking slow steps backwards.

Sally hissed and flashed her red eyes. She did this one more time before disappearing. That scared Vent more than if she was charging right at him. He started to take faster steps.

Five steps away, and the top part of his scales suddenly itched. Startled, Vent did a small leap foreword. In the air, he felt one of Sally's claws glide against his scales.

Vent barely made it. He shut the door right before Sally slammed into it. She howled and screamed like a devil-banshee, clawing the door. After a couple of minutes, Demon-Sally ran off.

That was yesterday. Everything was normal today, Sky the only one sending the waffle addict untrusting glances.

The other weapon missed Jordan by a mile. The attacker gave a short, annoyed hiss. Vent gave a smile lost in the dark. But an agitated growl revealed that the enemy had seen it.

Finally the attacker lost their patience. It rushed Venturian, swinging it's weapon randomly. Ven dodged them all. Enemy kept swinging, Vent kept dodging.

A small maniacal giggle sounded. Jordan realized with horror that it was coming from his throat. He cut it off quickly. Another one rang out, this time turning into a laugh. And not from Venturian.

He frowned as the laughing continued. "Jimmy, you ruined it! I had it down to between you and Sally!" he groaned. The light flicked back on, revealing Jimmy by the switch.

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