Chapter 61

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3rd P.O.V

"Does everyone agree?" Venturian asked. Every head at the table nodded.

"Vamos all you people that I am too gorgeous for!"

Jordan sighed "Nice to see you José José José José. And since we know it isn't Monday, that means its midnight. So all ya go to bed"

There was no grumbling, only yawns, as they stumbled off to their separate rooms. A few mumbled "Good night" as they walked.

Only the four siblings stayed behind. There was couple seconds of silence before Bethany asked the question "Are we taking Sky with us?"

"We might have to. I doubt the portal will remain open for a long period of time. And once it closes we can't ever open it again" Ven rubbed his head.

"There probably won't be enough time to go get him, even with Slendy's teleporting" Isaac realized. Immortal rubbed her eyes, too tired to really even think.

"Alright. As long as we give him a guard or something" Bethany agreed. The siblings waved as they headed to bed. Jordan's scaly leg felt particularly heavy as he tromped to bed.

Distracted, he didn't notice the couch corner, and smashed his leg through it. Not on it, through it, without even noticing. He did hear the wood snap, and groaned when he looked down.

"Dang it" he muttered. An unnoticed Toilet Toucher stared, then shook his head and ran off. Venturian bent over and scraped the debris under the remaining couch.

His eyes drooped as he struggled up the stairs. "I'm getting to old for this" he mumbled, then snorted at his own joke. He swung open his door and collapsed on his bed.

3rd P.O.V

Prince Fang snarled, scaring the creatures back. He curled his lip at them again, from disgust and to bare his teeth. "These things are uglier then my granny" he muttered.

"I can't believe Borminerf keeps these things around. All they do is mess up the carpet and get rid of the occasional pest" Prince Fang complained to the dragon striding next to him.

The dragon kept his silence. Until he stepped on the remains of a creature, killed and torn by its own companions. He grimaced, wiped his claws on the wall, and let out a short growl.

"I can't take this much longer" Prince Fang growled. His lip curled as something squelched under his foot. This time it was left over food, already digested.

The group stopped. It was dead silent as the dragon prince's face turned more red in the face then green.

"That is it!! I am not staying here any longer!" Prince Fang screamed. He shook his foot, splattering the feces everywhere. Other dragons screeched and tried to wipe it off.

Dragons could take endless gore and the stench of a thousand rotting bodies, but they could not stand two things. Poo and Spencer's rusty braces.

After several minutes of screaming and clawing themselves, the poo was gone. By then most of the subordinates agreed, they were leaving.

"I don't care about seeing Borminerf's face when he is destroyed anymore, all this poop is not worth it!" Prince Fang screamed. He tail flicked around, smacking the wall.

Eventually, the anger level fell as another plan came into Prince Fang's head. "Send a messenger dragon to the enemies' hideout. Have a piece of paper with the date and exact time. If I can't be here to destroy Baldy, then I will construct his end" he growled.

They had found the Hotel Tale a while ago, but had yet to tell Borminerf of this fact.

Another crossed Prince Fang's mind. "Also, send a couple thief dragons to the vault holding my robotic wings. I'm going to need them"

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