Chapter 16: Garden

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C H A P T E R   S I X T E E N


Over the next couple of days, everyone that could be labeled as family or very close friends found out about mine and Perrie's engagement. We had tried to let very few people know about it, worrying about the fact that the media would find out. We wanted to let the public know about this in the wisest way possible and after we had thought about when or where to tell them.

The people that did know we were engaged were very close friends; all members of One Direction and Little Mix knew, obviously. Our parents and siblings knew. A few friends like Ed, Josh, and Nick etc knew. We had tried very hard to keep it mostly to us but some people just had to know obviously.

Perrie tried to really mask her worry when it came to our fans finding out. She always had the brave face on but I knew that on the inside, she was anxious. She was trying to mask it so I wouldn't feel bad about her feeling like this. So I would in direct proportions, worry about it too.

But she didn't understand that hiding her worry from me was more agonizing to me. Knowing, how much the thought is killing her on the inside and though she knows that I can relate and understand the situation yet she is hesitating when it came to telling me was not the best of things.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" I reminded Perrie.


"The why don't you?"

"I do...I--" I cut Perrie off.

"Perrie baby, lying to me won't get you anywhere. I can sense from a mile away that you're worried. Talk to me, please" I practically begged as Perrie leaned more into my chest. She sighed heavily as I gently stroked her soft blonde hair.

"I don't know what to say" she mumbled.

"Why not?"

"I--I just, Zayn, I'm so stressed about the press and media finding out about us. The thought is really terrorizing me and I can't help but be a little gloomy even though I'm so very happy. I just can't wipe that feeling away" she frowned as spoke. It broke my heart a little that we couldn't be entirely and completely happy about our engagement because at the back of our minds, far away from the park where I had proposed to her, sat a thought that spoke out in a harsh manner.

"I know, Per, I can relate. I'm so worried too but I'm really trying to stay positive for you...please do that for me, yeah?" I asked her. I tried to give her my best smile and she smiled back slightly at my concern. What she didn't know was that I wanted to scream in frustration due to the anxiety that she was feeling but I was concealing all of that swirling emotion so that Perrie would stay positive.

"I'm trying" she said. I leaned over and kissed her head. I attempted my best to relieve her of the stress she was feeling but the truth was that I couldn't free myself of it either that I found myself lacking methods to help her, or myself for that matter.

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