Chapter 19: Ring

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C H A P T E R   N I N E T E E N


The following day, I went out to pick groceries before I headed to work. I had always been a morning person and mornings were the time where I felt hyped and ready to get stuff done. When I had been younger, I had been even more of a morning person; waking up at 5 am and going out to walk etc but now I slept more than I used to but I loved the feel of mornings, nonetheless. 

Zayn had slept over and I was careful not to wake him up as I took a shower and went out, dressed in a plain black tank top and yoga pants. I decided to have breakfast after I came back as I was out of eggs and the tea that I had been drinking lately.

The nearest grocery store was a five minute walk from my flat and I was so glad that there was one so near to my flat otherwise grocery shopping would have been a problem for me considering my routine. It was usually open at 7 am. I walked into the brightly lit, colorful yet small grocery store. I barely spotted any people except for the cashier and a few workers here and there. I slid into the first isle, grabbing a basket as I wasn't planning on getting more than a few things that I badly needed.

In the next ten minutes, my basket had pretzels, peanut butter, my favorite vanilla tea, some random cookies, juice boxes, Kleenex tissue papers and some random things there and there. I then grabbed a carton of a dozen eggs and placed them cautiously in the wired basket.

Before checking out, I remembered that I forgot to grab a tub of ice cream that I kept in my freezer at all times because I craved it too often. I walked over to the frozen food section and ran my fingers along the numerous flavors that I was having a difficulty choosing from.

"Perrie!" I heard someone gasp behind me. I turned around to see the source of the sudden voice. I found Anna standing there, her eyes wide open. I forced a smile to the old friend that had parted terms with me.

"Oh my goodness, how are you?" she pulled in for a hug as I hugged her back, trying to keep my distance although.

"I'm well. And you?" I asked her. I placed the basket on the floor, relieving my arm of the load.

"I'm great. Wha--what are you doing here?" she grinned.

"I live nearby and I was getting some groceries before work" I explained. Her grin grew wider with every word I said and it made me cringe slightly.

Anna or Annabelle had been an old friend of mine from my hometown. She and I had been friends for years, we weren't very close but she had always been a very dear friend of mine. Up until my senior year at high school, she started bullying me because she joined a famous group clique. It upset me greatly how she changed but her bullying was never very severe and she stopped suddenly after a month of tormenting me without an apology.

Although, her remarks had never been very harsh; I was hurt at how fast she changed and how much I trusted her and she turned out to be the complete opposite. We never talked after that and at various times that we made eye contact, I could sense that she felt that I forgotten everything and forgiven her but I never did.

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