Chapter 15: You and I

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C H A P T E R   F I F T E E N

This the previous chapter in Perrie's POV with a small addition at the end. x


"Perrie...will you marry me?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, my heartbeat escalated more than I thought a person's heartbeat could. I gasped, pulling my hands and clasping my mouth with them.

In that very moment, it felt so unbelievably insane. I could barely process what he had just said.

I bent down a little, my knees giving away. I completely and utterly shocked. My head couldn't wrap itself around what Zayn had just said.

"Zayn...wha-" I began, trying to clarify the situation.

"Don't ask me why now and how or when or anything for that matter. I haven't surer of anything in my entire life, I love you so fucking much and I can't even think of anyone else being in your position. We've come to that stage of our relationship where the idea of anyone taking on the role of my wife except for you sounds insane. I don't have any doubts when it comes to our relationship and just..I need you and I want you so just..." he trailed off after a long confession.

I swear, in that moment, I knew I couldn't love someone more than I loved Zayn. His words hit me so hard that I couldn't even comprehend the feelings that I felt when he said them. Everything, romantic and serious that Zayn had talked to me about until this point; nothing compared to the words that he murmured a few seconds prior.

Instead of holding on, I bent down and sat down next to Zayn on the rough gravel. It scratched my knees and I knew it would leave bruises there but that very moment, nothing mattered. His confession and his proposal overwhelmed me slightly and I could feel myself starting to get teary. It wasn't because I was sad; it was because I was happy. So very happy.

I was so happy that I had someone like Zayn who loved me endlessly and didn't hesitate to express his feelings towards me. Who was willing to spend the rest of his life with me without any doubts? Who didn't take our young ages into account but did what he thought should be done.

"Don't...don't cry. I love you so much and I don't want you to be sad over this..." he stuttered, he seemed anxious at my crying and I didn't want him to be so I rubbed a finger under my eyes to clean them up. I could barely speak, yet so that was all I could do at the moment.

"I don't know what to say to you except repeat that I love you and I want you to be mine" he smiled, gently at me.

"I love you..." I whispered, wrapping my arms tightly around him. I just wanted to hold him close, so very close. He didn't hesitate but squeezed me back, warmly.

My mind reeled with thoughts. Memories of our year’s long relationship flashed throughout my mind. He had always been so incredibly amazing. Everything that he had done for me showed that he endlessly loved me.

And I loved him, for everything that he was and for the person that he helped me become. For his love, I loved him. For his care, I loved him.

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