Chapter 41: Los Angeles

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C H A P T E R  F O R T Y - O N E

Listen to Compass by Kyle and Devin


The LA sun burned against my skin despite the fact that it was winter and getting a sunny day in London was both a blessing and a surprise especially during these months thus I cherished every second I got to step out into broad daylight whilst I was here.

I settled down onto a lounge chair, trying to soak up as much sun before my return to rainy old London. I perched my sunglasses on my nose and closed my eyes.

"Sir?" I jolted upwards at the interruption.

A waiter held some flutes filled with champagne balanced upon a silver tray. I smiled at him and wrapped my hand around one, "Sure".

He gave me a nod and carried on walking in order to complete his duty. I took a sip off the liquid and placed it on a small stool next to me.

I scanned the crowd. People mingled back and forth, replacing one person with another after a couple of moments of interactions. Drinks were exchanged and so was the usual gossip. Heels clicked against the yacht's surface as people moved around.

I ended up at parties way too often.

I assumed my previous position and closed my eyes. I would probably even have fallen asleep, had this not been a party. The wind gained speed and contrasted nicely with the warm sun.

I lay there for a long time, having practically forgotten the champagne offered to me. I wondered how for the first time in my life, I wasn't being bombarded and ambushed by people at a party.

The sun eventually seemed to not burn against my skin the same way. When I opened my eyes, the light that seeped through my sunglasses wasn't as bright anymore either. I hauled upwards and pulled them off.

The party was still going. It was almost as if nothing had changed but the intensity of the sun. I got up and walked over to find something to eat. I heard a few people call my name but I pushed through the crowd, clearly ignoring them.

I eventually spotted a table loaded with food. I grabbed a cheese stick and dipped it into salsa, popping it into my mouth.

"Zayn" I eventually turned around to respond to another individual who had called my name.

Liam stood before me. He looked considerably tan from what I could tell from his face and the skin that wasn't concealed under his white t shirt and shorts.

"Mate" I exclaimed, giving him a hug.

"I didn't know you were in the states" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He chuckled and motioned his head towards a brunette in a aquamarine dress, chatting with someone a few feet away. "I'm on vacation with Faith. We arrived around five days ago"

"Great!" I gave a hand motion to a waiter, carrying drinks. "You've got quite a tan"

"All we've been doing is sit around at the beach" he explained.

"You rented a beach house or something?" I grabbed two glasses filled with a clear liquid, handing one to Liam who took it without hesitation.

"Yeah. It's gorgeous. You should come check it out"

"So how come the impromptu vacation plan?" I took a long sip from my drink.

"It was Faith's idea. We've both been so busy, haven't been spending enough time together lately so I was totally for it" he chuckled.

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