Chapter 25: Clouds

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - F I V E


The bed felt undeniably warmer than it had felt in the past few days. I pushed my fingers into the comforter, pulling it to cover my body completely as I turned around in my position, my back no longer pressed against the bed. I opened my eyes slightly before I pulled the comforter on top of my face to spy on Perrie laying in bed peacefully, her face now facing mine. Her eyes were screwed shut as a soft look settled upon her lips. Her hair was all pushed back and out of her face as she snuggled into the cushions. I pushed myself closer to her, hugging her body to mine before I pulled the comforter on top of us.

I heard Perrie mutter an incoherent word as I softly tugged her into me before she wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled into my chest, her face barely visible to me anymore. I smiled as I held her firmly hoping that she had a great night's sleep just like I had after many days. I stroked her hair gently with my free hand, now completely awake.

I had momentarily forgotten about last night when I woke up wondering why I was so warm when it settled upon me; the reason behind me being so warm. The heat radiated off of Perrie body onto my bare chest as I felt warmer than I would have normally preferred but I couldn't help but feel incredibly amazing this morning.

I was so overjoyed. I was overwhelmed with a plethora of feelings that had consumed me over night and refused to leave my body, leaving me slightly speechless every time I looked at Perrie. She was all I could ever ask for and the slight fear that overtook me about losing her was wiped away the second I saw her, knowing that she loved me just as much as I love her and she would never leave me like that.

I considered myself a selfish jerk for even considering the fact that we could no longer go on or that I had even for a second doubted Perrie's feelings for me. I knew the way she assured me last night that she loved me, she felt like I was doubting her feelings and she always put my feelings before her own; not complaining about how hurt she was about me thinking that way but instead assured me that she loved me.

I glanced slowly at the clock, not wanting to look away from Perrie and saw that it was 11 a.m. I sighed. We had gone to bed extremely late last night. Probably at 4 or 5 a.m. We had spent most of the time talking and then kissing and then talking and then just laughing suddenly without reason. It was surreal and it still felt that way. I glanced at Perrie once more who seemed to be waking up now, her face was no longer pressed to my chest but instead she had pulled it back, her eyes slightly fluttering as she yawned; her hand immediately covering her mouth to suppress it.

"Morning" I mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to her neck. Her eyes popped open due to the sudden contact and she smiled once her eyes met mine.

"Morning" her smile grew wider. She scooted even closer to me, tightening her grip on me with her arms.

We looked at each other for what felt like ages, not muttering a word; a soft smile on both of our faces until finally Perrie giggled, easing out of grip and pushing her legs off of the bed.

"What?" I wondered the reason behind the source of her laughter.

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