Chapter 2: You

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C H A P T E R   T W O

"You are the crowd that sits quiet listening to me
And all the mad sense that I make"

-You by The Carpenters


Weeks had passed since Jim and Eliza's marriage and the look on their faces the second they were pronounced man and wife didn't leave my mind. This was the first wedding I had witnessed alongside Perrie which made everything even the more special. I wondered what it felt like to be legally connected to one person and promise them so much for the rest of their lives.

I scanned the room for my phone; hoping I could find it quick enough to ask Perrie to come down for dinner before she made any other plans. Once I did, I quickly dialled her up.

"Hey" she said, happily. She was honestly so cheerful and peppy all the time, it never ceazed to amaze me. Even when she would be stressed out, she would put on a happy face to not worry the people around her.

"What are you doing?" I asked, getting up and standing next to the window to examine the traffic that could be observed from the huge glass window adorning my living room.

"Nothing. I'm at home, why?"

"Come over" I said as soon as she mumbled that she was at home. I was extremely relieved that she did not have plans because I sure as hell was not going to eat dinner by myself. I missed her as well, I had seen her yesterday morning when she had stayed over the night before and I had dropped her off at her place in the morning after getting some breakfast with her.

If there a way to keep her by my side at all times, I would do it but unfortunately there was none and it was so hard watching her get into her car and driving off in the mornings. I wish she never had to leave. I felt so alive with her and that same feeling was one she took a part of when she left. I wondered if I had the effect on her that she had on me. It was question that I wanted to ask her but struggled to voice it to make her understand exactly what I needed to know.

"When? right now?" she questioned.

"Yes" I confirmed firmly as I waited for her response, a smile spreading over my lips at the thought of her coming over for tonight. I wish she would just cut the call already and get in he car and get here but that certainly was not the case as she continued to talk.

"For dinner? Do you want me to bring something?" she asked, knowing that I would have nothing through which I could feed us both. I was hopeless when it came to the kitchen, Perrie wasn't much of a cooker either but she could certainly manage a meal when she required one whereas I struggled with getting so much as a scrambled egg on my plate for breakfast.

"No Per, just hurry, I miss you" I mumbled, trying to end the call as quickly as possible while Perrie chuckled due to my desperation. Once she understood how badly I wanted her here, she continued to tease me by prolonging the phone call.

"Sure? I'm certain you don't have anything to eat anyway; I could grab something real quick"

"No--Perrie, just hurry over, I'l order something"

"Sure?" Perrie giggled, teasing me beyond my limits.

"Perrie, I swear to God, I will..." I began but Perrie cut me off.

"Okay--okay, I'll be over as quick as I can" she laughed, ending the call before I could add anything to the conversation. Chuckling, I pushed the phone into the pocket of my jeans whilst I scanned the living room, thinking about whether I should clean up around here or not. I knew Perrie wouldn't mind the mess at all, frankly, I didn't even care if she minded the mess or not because I knew she would eventually laugh at how messy I continued to be although she continously pestered me about being slightly cleaner than I was.

I grabbed the few bottles of beer me and Niall had downed during the time he was over to get some writing done for our new album and threw them in a black trash bag. I pushed in the left over pizza into the bag that Niall had decided to order. I also grabbed the numerous papers onto which we had scribbled lyrics but had thrown away because they just didn't cut the mark. Writing was a long and har process and in order to produce two-three pages of worthy sheet music; it required a thousand others to be discarded.

I grabbed the bag and set it next to the trash can in the kitchen. I decided that I wasn't going clean anymore. The cleaning lady to handle everything the next morning. I just wished Perrie would be a little proud of me for putting up an effort to atleast try and clean up around here. I sat in on the kichen counter, gonig through the numerous delivery menus I kept for situations like these and settled on some chinese. I quickly placed the order, threatining the guy on the phone to bring the food over in half an hour otherwise I would sue him.

Once everything was settled, I waited around for Perrie to finally come over wondering what was taking her so long as our flats weren't very far away and the drive was a fairly quick one. As I was thinking about what could have possibly gone wrong that she had taken so long, I heard the lock on the front door twist as I felt someone step into the flat. I was instantly hit by Perrie perfume as I hauled myself off of the counter to greet her. Her eyes lit up as soon as she spotted me, speeding up to get to me.

I wrapped my arms around her engulfing her in a hug that I had longed for all morning. She linked her arms around my neck as I tried to squeeze her as much as

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