Chapter 3: I like being free

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My eyes gazed down at the rushing city. My eyes fixing on one car before it sped off and made glance back at my surroundings. It feels so good being free you know? Not that I'm saying that I'm not free in London. Its just in London, I had a million responsilbilities and that did not include Zayn. Zayn made me feel free in London, he was a very carefree person even though he had more responsibilities than me yet he seemed to just leave them behind and enjoy the moment. Maybe that was what made him different but I think he was different in many other aspects as well. He was so different from the guys I had been on dates with before him, it was hard to explain but he was. Maybe the fact that both of us lived these fast paced celebrity lives made us closer and different than certain couples but I think it gave us the flexibilty to think more broadly and understand the other person's problems more easily.

"Are you drinking that or what?" Amy glanced at my coffee that was lying on the table. I looked up, startled. I frowned at it and took a small sip out of the warm drink before trashing it in the nearby trash can. Me and Amy walked around, stopping at certain places to admire the beauty of the central park.

"Its funny how you aren't being stalked my paparazzi!" Amy exclaimed as I sat down on a small rock, Amy sitting down right next to me. I smirked at her little comment.

"Well, its not like I look like celebrity either" I chuckled as I looked down at my grey sweatpants and leather jacket. I agree that being a celebrity, I had this huge image to maintain but a little comfort wouldn't kill it would it?

I looked up at the sky and it was crowded with huge and heavy black clouds indicating rain. I groaned as a small raindrop hit my head. "I was expecting a little sun here but its like I'm still in London". Since the pat few days, all I had experienced was the rain and more rain. I was wishing for a bit of sun that wouldn't constantly remind me of the horrible storms and cloudy days we had back in London.

"We're expecting a bright sun tomorrow, can't say for sure though" Amy said as we started walking back to her apartment. I pulled the bright blue beanie over my head to prevent my head from getting completely soaked. A few of my locks slipped out and I quickly fixed them as me and Amy ran through central park. We were quite deep in so it took a total of 10 minutes for us to get out and onto the street. In the meantime, the rain had turned into a proper storm and I grabbed Amy's hand, pushing her into some random store.

             I examined where I had pushed her in and we were in a grocery store. I spotted Amy picking up a basket and entering some section of the store. Frowning, I followed her in.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she picked up a tin of beans and placed into her basket. She smiled at me as she grabbed another tin.

"Mum had asked me to pick up some stuff on the way anyway, chill Perrie!" she replied. Rolling my eyes, I whipped out my phone and scrolled through my texts, nothing new. Sighing, I looked around and grabbed a pack of chewing gum and bag of crisps before walking over to Amy who was waiting pateintly as the lady ringed her stuff. I handed her my bags and she quickly ringed those and handed them back to me.

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