Chapter 14: Us

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C H A P T E R   F O U R T E E N


"Perrie...will you marry me?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, my heartbeat esclated more than I thought a person's heartbeat could. I swear Perrie could hear it. I looked up from the ring and into Perrie's wide eyes. Her mouth was wide open and her hands were clasped over her mouth as if she couldn't believe her ears.

She actually bent down a little, her eyes wide. After what felt like an eternity of my heart beating faster with every second, my palms that were holding the box sweating and Perrie's awestruck reaction, she spoke.

"Zayn...wha-" I cut Perrie off.

"Don't ask me why now and how or when or anything for that matter. I haven't surer of anything in my entire life, I love you so fucking much and I can't even think of anyone else being in your position. We've come to that stage of our relationship where the idea of anyone taking on the role of my wife except for you sounds insane. I don't have any doubts when it comes to our relationship and just..I need you and I want you so just..." I trailed off after a long confession.

Perrie was on her knees, kneeling next to me. Her expression of shock had turned into the most gentle and subtle expression I had seen her wear. Her eyes were pooling slightly as one tear managed to escape.

"Don't...don't cry. I love you so much and I don't want you to be sad over this..." I stuttered, getting incredibely nervous at her crying. She sniffed and rubbed a finger under her eyes to relieve them of any moisture.

"I don't know what to say to you except repeat that I love you and I want you to be mine" I smiled at all the cheesy things that I had said over the past few minutes.

"I love you..." she whispered, wrapped her arms around me. I didn't know what to but wrap my arms around her too, her blue close still tightly grasped in my hands.

I didn't know what to think of her response. Maybe, this was a way of gently squeezing out of the matter at hand and saying no or maybe, she was overwhelemed and was still deciding what to say. I smiled at her tight grip and smelled the soft vanilla scent of her hair.

If she was going to leave me, I needed to feel her touch for the last time because we could never be together after this. I felt like we wouldn't be able to carry on this relationship if she said no. I needed to feel her and prepare myself for the worst.


"Yes?" my eyebrows furrowed together as I pulled back in confusion. At that time, I had no idea what she meant.

"Yes, I will marry you" she offered me a small smile that could never compare to the one that instantly swarmed my face. My eyes widened and I pulled back even more to make sure I had heard correctly. I looked into her soft blue eyes that had crinkled at the side because she was smiling.

"What...?" I searched her eyes, frantically for an answer. We both sat on the gravel as we talked.

"Yes...I will marry you Zayn" she said the words, slowly. Her smile got wider as mine did.

"Perrie...I love you and i promise you an incredible life" I gushed. She grinned at me now, eyeing the ring that sat gently in the box that was still in my hand.

"So are you going to give that to me or not" she gestured over to the box. I laughed really hard in relief and nodded. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She now sat right next to me. I took her hand in mine and plucked the ring out of the box and slid it into her ring finger.

"It's beautiful" she smiled, looking down at it. Her hand was interwtined with mine as we both stared down at the gorgeous ring in her even more gorgeous hand.

"You're's just a small addition" I mumbled against her ears. The cold metal of her hoops meeting my lips but I felt warm.

I felt warm even though London seemed to get colder as night approached and there seemed to be a slight cold breeze that seemed to always invade this city at night, the gravel seemed icy and I couldn't but wonder what it felt against Perrie's bare legs but I felt warm. I felt warm and gushy and so happy that I was worried that a overwhelmed feeling might just give me a break down.

But the thought that currently ceased my mind refused to give me rest but I didn't want one since the thought itself was the most beautiful of all.

Her, being my wife. Dressed in possibly the whitest gown of all, walking down the alter with her bridesmaid carefully tottering behind her.

Her, living with me. Watching me wake up and groan about it being a Monday and making me a cup of bitter melon tea.

Her, having Malik next to her name and her claiming at different occasions that she's married to me.

Her, being mine; legally and spiritually.

We sat there, staring back and forth between each other and her ring. We smiled like we hadn't smiled ever before.

We were both in our happy places. Transported to fantasies and yet here with each other.

I hadn't felt such a peace in years to be honest. Such relief and stress-free.

And happy. Such genuine happiness had only managed to cease me during our concerts but today, it was back. With such fericious intensity.

I didn't know how long we spent on the gravel, staying silent at first and ending up full engulfed in a conversation. We talked and oh, did we talk. We only talked about life and marriage and love.

We talked about us.

And man, did it feel good.


Dedicated to @the_zerrie_feels! <3

So uh yeah, I heard I suck at uh proof reading so I may need you guys to point out any grammatical mistakes or mistakes with the fragments.

Apart from that, I do not have much to say.

Until then,

Zoha x

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