Chapter 27: Wine

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S E V E N:


Zayn left to change into some fresher clothes as he wasn't entirely happy with the supply of clothes that my closet had for him. I, on the other hand, decided to tie up my hair and get some work done.

I skimmed through my closet working out what suitcases would best suit my needs this tour. I settled upon two pink hard shell suitcases and black carry on. As I didn't really require much clothing because half the time I would be performing or doing interviews, my wardrobe would be provided by our costume designers. I only needed to pack for the rest of the time which would mainly be spend at hotels or with friends here and there.

I sat down on the floor of my walk in closet, pulling open a drawer, studying its contents. I picked up random t-shirts and sweat pants from there and folded them up as neatly as I could. Following that I spend the next hour and a half folding, unfolding, stuffing clothes inside my suitcases. I decided to use the carry on for makeup, shoes and accessories although I remembered to push any hand bags or clutches I may need into my suitcase.

Pushing the suitcases on one side, I realized how quickly my time in London was coming to an end. Despite being in a bad state about it, I did not feel the same way anymore. Although I would still miss the city, my home and Zayn most of all, I was excited for the tour and I was thankful for all that I had and countless blessings that I had in my life. It was indescribable but I was so happy as I thought about the things that my life consisted of.

My phone rang suddenly, making me jolt up and almost trip on a pile of clothes that I had decided to throw away. Chuckling to myself once I regained balance, I grabbed it from where I put it on one of the Divan sofa's that I kept in the closet.

"Hello?" I hadn't checked the caller ID.

"I'm really reconsidering the idea of going to The Ivy for dinner" Zayn replied.

"Why? Too classy for you?" I joked.

"It looks boring, I don't even know why I suggested it in the first place" he laughed, his voice echoing slightly.

"So what do you want to do, I'm bloody hungry" I mumbled as I got up from the sofa and walked out as I was tired of sitting in there, it was getting suffocating. I switched the lights off and shut the door.

"Well, I suggest food at my place?"

"Wait, you're going to cook?" I laughed.

"As if. I'm going to order something" he answered.

"Alright. I'll be there in half an hour" I told him.

"Okay, don't be late"

"You know me" I giggled.


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