Chapter 23: Night

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - T H R E E


I stood firm in my place as people came and went, providing me with hellos and greetings, asking me if I wanted to get a drink with them or what I've been up to. I lost count of how many people came to talk to me even though, I didn't even know them, after the first ten minutes that I had stepped into this party. I took another sip of the drink that Niall had just pushed into my hands as I struggled to find a quieter corner to sit down and away from all these people.

I eventually found one as I sunk into the thick couch, watching people laugh and dance around me. I don't know why I even agreed to come to this party because firstly I was in no mood, secondly I didn't even know whose party this was but since Liam and Niall had brought me here I agreed and thirdly, my thoughts were still wrapped around Perrie and my fight the day before yesterday.

We hadn't talked since then. I felt so undeniably lonely and sad. We had always found our way through fights but this time both of us had not contacted one another.

A couple of other people that I had only met once probably years ago made their way towards me even though the place I had found to seat myself clearly indicated that I was not in the mood for any sort of company yet that did not stop them from coming over to me.

I tried to put on a big smile for them and tried to be as polite as I could while they talked about things that I had no interest in. They offered me a drink which I politely declined before they left.

This is it. I was not going to sit around like a loner in the corner of a party when I have no interest in it. I hauled myself up, chugging down the remaining contents of the drink while setting it on the table next to the couch I sat on. I made my way towards the exit of this building before anyone spotted me and begged me to stay. Fortunately, I made my way out easily. I walked towards the parking lot, spotting my car in the over crowded lot. I got in and pulled out of the lot. The party seemed to be in full swing because more people kept going in as the music got louder making my car's windows rattle and the building seemed even more populated than before through the glass windows.

Turning the radio down, I started driving. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to where I was headed. I was certainly not going to go home nor was I going back to that party. I was certainly not in the mood of any company then where could I possibly go?

I checked the time and it was a bit after 10. The roads weren't as crowded as they should've been but I was thankful for that since I was not headed home and traffic was not going to make me feel any better. I drove out the over populated part of London the party was held at and drove around until I couldn't understand where I was. Pushing that thought aside I continued to drive.

Bright street lights poured down on my face through the glass windows of my car as I accelerated. The road that I was on was completely empty and somehow being lonely made me think about her. Again.

It was like the more I tried to forget about her, the more my mind continued to bring her back. Over the past few weeks, she had made me see love in a completely different way. She helped me experience it differently. It was like placing that ring onto her fingers made me fall in love with her over again. And I continued to fall deeper and deeper. And deeper.

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