Chapter 9: Stuck

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C H A P T E R   N I N E


Things had been shaky with Zayn, for no obvious reason. I instantly assumed that he was probably stressed out about work and refused to talk it out with me even though he hadn't said that he didn't want to talk about it, something gave off the fact that he didn't want to discuss it with anyone...not even me. It didn't bother me because I knew for it had been something big; he would've told me otherwise I was probably better off not knowing in his opinion. 

"Do you think this looks nice?" Jade twirled in the dress she had just picked out from her closet. I eyed her closely, trying to be critical about it but found no flaws. 

"It does. Wear it" I told her. She turned to the full length mirror and inspected it.

"You're right. I will" she was currently deciding what to wear to party that I had refused to go to. 

"Do you want something to drink? I haven't been the best host" she offered as she started working on her hair.

"No. You get ready, I'll probably get going anyway" I got up from where I was seated on her bed. 

"Well since you're not coming with me then...I suppose, bye?" she joked, a small smile tugging on her bright red lips. I nodded my head, gave her a small smile and walked downstairs to the front door. I grabbed my coat from where it hung on the wooden peg. Pulling it on, I opened the door and instantly shivered after seeing how heavy it was raining. Sighing, I pulled my coat over my head; trying to shield myself as I walked towards my car. I pressed on the unlock button of my keys and heaved myself inside. Sighing a sigh of relief as I hadn't gotten myself too wet, I watched the rain patter on my windshield.

I had never liked the rain. Wet things never appealed to me anyway. Internally groaning at the fact that I'm going to have to drive all the way home in this rain and predictable traffic, I pulled my car in reverse and started driving. I could even from the distance see the traffic awaiting me as I turned the street. Putting my car of halt once I arrived in the blockage with no other alternative route, I sighed. I turned the volume of music up a little bit to calm my nerves. 

I was beyond tired and all I wanted was to go home and go to sleep. We had recorded all day long and I had to drive Jade back to her house because her car was getting an oil change. I watched as the blockage grew and the rain continued to pour down, intensely. 

My phone pulled me out of my thoughts as I heard it ringing. Without checking the caller ID, I slid my thumb across it, pressing to my ear.

"Hello" I sighed, trying to sigh as cheery as I possibly could.

"Perrie, where are you? You said you would be home by now" I heard Zayn complain. 

"I had to drop Jade off after recording and now I'm stuck in, have you seen the rain?" I muttered about the rain. 

"Oh, I'm sorry...the rain is definitely pouring down tonight".

"Where are you?"

"I'm literally standing at your front door, I left my spare key at my flat" he mumbled. I sighed; I guess we both were stuck

"So what are you going to do now because as far as I can predict, I won't be out of this for at least half an hour" I said, peeking through my window to get a glance at the traffic ahead. It went on for miles literally.

"I'm walking back to my car right now" I smiled at the thought of him walking down the porch like I had a few minutes prior. A few seconds later, I heard a car door slam and I was met with the sound on Zayn breathing instead of heavy pattering on the other side, it was definitely distracting while we talked.

"So what now?" we both said at the same time. The second we realized we had, we burst into a fit of laughter.

"Jinx" Zayn said.

"No but seriously, what now?" I sighed. I had no idea what to do and I didn't want to get off the phone, I just wanted to talk to him for as long as I could.

"We're going to talk until you get out of that traffic and I'm going to sit inside my car until you come home" I smiled at his consideration.

"Thanks for the company" I joked, turning my volume a little down since I knew this conversation wasn't short. And I didn't mind one bit.

"Anytime" he went along. For the next hour we chatted about everything that one could chat about on rainy London night. He didn't sound shaky as he had been, maybe he had his issue resolved; whatever the reason, I felt good that he had. As long as he was happy, I always would be.


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