Chapter 40: Matters

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C H A P T E R      F O R T Y


Half of our living room was a mess filled with christmas tree ornaments ranging from small gold colored ones to large green ones with silver stars to tiny red ones to medium sized blue ones with snowflakes. Somehow Zayn also had an entire box filled with ones with Disney characters on them behind whom there was a long story that he stated I would not be impressed upon hearing.

He had little energy so he had to retire to the couch after he helped me a little bit with collecting the ornamenets. He directed me as to where I'll find old decorations that could possibly be useful.

I glanced down at the floor and giggled. It was a ridiculous mess and I had little idea what I wanted to put on the tree and what I thought wouldn't look as appealing. Zayn now stood next to me as well and shook his head in amusement.

"Well...uh, you're not exactly short of options" he chuckled.

"Seems like it" I eyed the collection and then tree, trying to envision what would look best.

"I don't know where to begin" I groaned.

"Try one pair of all the different ones and decide what looks best" he shrugged making it sound easy.

"No. Wait. I like the gold ones we got yesterday and how about we pair them with the-"

"The red ones?" He completed my senteces. My eyebrows arched in surprise. He stole the words from my mouth.

"Yeah" I grinned.

He smiled at me and leaned down to pick up the plastic packaging in which shiny gold ornaments reflected back our faces. He used a cutter to slice through the packet, revealing the gold ornaments that I carefully took out and placed them in a basket. We continued this process with two more boxes of identical gold ornaments.

I began hooking them up with the tree, examining it every two seconds to see if that particular spot suited the tree or not.

Zayn worked along, helping me hook up the ornaments whilsts unpacking two boxes of red ones.

"Okay, I cannot stand up a second longer" Zayn sighed. I looked up as he walked over to the nearest couch and slumped down.

"Are you alright?" I was worried that my excitement and enthusiasm in regards to the tree had probably not been the best for him.

"Uh yeah, just a little tired" he nodded and motioned towards the tree "You go on, I'll watch from here"

"You sure?"

"Yeah-yeah. Go on Per" I turned back and resumed working on the tree. We had a few other decorations that we could potentially add to the tree if we liked. I examined each one and settled on small silver reindeers alongside equally small sized santas.

"That's cute" Zayn chuckled from his spot on the couch when I showed him the santas.

I finished up the tree quickly and noticed the only thing left was the giant star that went on the top. I had already attached the fairy lights and plugged them into the nearest outlet.

I grabbed the star and tried to somehow reach upto the top which was its allocated spot but as predicted, I couldn't reach. I tried again and helpelssly jumped to attach it but I remained unsuccessful. I mustered up all my energy and began to rise up in another attempt when I felt an arm snake around my waist, pulling me back down.

"Let me try" Zayn whispered into my ear. He reached up and took the star from my extended arm.

He unwrapped himself from me and effortlessly hooked it to the top. Doing a double check that he had done his job properly otherwise it would fall.

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