Chapter 7: Little Things

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C H A P T E R   S E V E N


You know that furious feeling you get when you just don't want your day to start. You’re lying in your bed and everything seems like hells coming alive because you're so tired. Its even more frustrating when you've had had a good night's sleep and you're like this but there's this one thing called an alarm clock that won't stop banging, another thing called the sun that doesn't want to go back and along with that time that's ticking away and you know you have got to get up. Eventually.

"Bloody hell" I muttered, grabbing my phone and sliding the lock so it would stop popping my ear drums repeatedly. I lay in my bed for few seconds, getting accustomated to the light streaming from my slightly parted curtain that I wish I had completely drawn last night. 

Finally, I pushed my duvet aside and went to go take a shower, after showering I changed into a plain white t-shirt and skinny black pants as my eyes eagerly scanned my bedside clock, hoping that time would be my dearest friend and not tick away so quickly. 

Leaving my flat in the mess that I had created last night and the additions I had done this morning while trying to get ready, I drove over to Perrie's to pick her up. I put my car's volume all the way up, droning my ears with some of my favorite tracks that I had specially compiled for my car. The drive from home till Perrie's flat was about 15 minutes which included traffic so it was really easy to see her whenever I wanted to.

Arriving at her flat, I parked my cars right outside her entrance instead of going into the driveway. I pulled the keys out of ignition and slammed the car door shut as I started walking towards the front door. Instead of pulling out my own copy to her flat's keys, I rang the bell; testing her. The bell issued a loud, disturbing sound as I waited for her to respond. After a split second of shuffling feet and a few curses, I was greeted by a smiling Perrie. 

She looked beautiful as always dressed in a mint t-shirt and white skinny jeans with her hair in its natural wavy form, resting with ease of her shoulders. I smiled back at her, spreading my arms out wide and enveloping her in me. She wrapped her arms around my back and hugged back. Finally, pulling back, she enclosed my hand in hers as we started walking towards her living room.

"Are you ready?" I asked, sitting down on the couch, pulling her along with me. She moved over to my side, wrapped her arms around me. It always felt so good to hold her. Close.

"We have a meet and greet today, I'm supposed to meet our stylist at about 10 and get ready for the event" she replied. 

"You didn't tell me".

"I did. It was supposed to be next to next week but it got rescheduled" she answered, sighing. I briefly glanced around her flat, admiring how neat she kept it.

"Well its about 9 right now", I said, checking my watch, "Let's go grab some breakfast and I'll hand you over to your stylist at 10". I didn't feel like making any breakfast today or drink a cup of tea. We all had those days. I was praying I could get my hands on some food now, though.

"Don't you have work?" she questioned, easing her tight grip on me a little, making me frown.

"I do but I can always call in sick" I chuckled.

"You don't have a normal job Zayn, you honestly think that'll work?" she asked, laughing along. 

"I don't care", I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tossed it on the couch opposite to ours, "No one can call me and I can call no one"

"Well then, let me grab my coat and let's go" she said, pecking me lightly and for the first time since I got here, on the lips. She got up, making her way over to her bedroom to grab her necessary things before we left. 

I sat there, examining her apartment and waiting for her to come back. A few minutes later, she came back, her loose hair tied up in a ponytail, a white coat on her t shirt and black boots on her feet.

"Just one problem" I said, walking over to her and tugging at her hair tie until it broke off and her hair were back in their normal state, on her shoulders, the state I liked the best. 

"Better" I said, kissing her lightly on the lips once again.


"Bye Perrie, call me when you get off" I said to Perrie as she got out of my car and walked towards the tall building in front of which I was parked. She waved with a small smile and walked towards the sliding doors. I watched her go in and when I was sure I couldn't see her through the massive glass windows, I started driving. 

I needed some thinking to do and I needed a quiet, calm place for that.

I knew this would make or break my life, forever.


I suck at proof-reading (I suck more than you do trust me) so please feel free to point out any grammatical, spelling or errors with the fragments.


Thank you all for the 2K reads. Thank you sticking with me through my insanely long massive writer blocks. 


Zoha x 

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