Chapter 12: T-Shirt

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C H A P T E R   T W E L V E



Saturday was nearing with each breathing second. My mind was racing a hundred miles per hour. Everything that took place before that day revolved around it and I couldn't bring myself to be calmer and more composed about it. I was so excited and at the same time I was nervous. Now, my uncertainty no more engulfed me, my nervousness did.

I had everything planned. So well planned. I had only managed to tell Simon, the boys and my family about it. I had the ring picked out. I had my speech ready in my head. I had the venue, I had everything yet I couldn't possibly be more anxious.

"Zayn man, you're like zoning out way too much lately" Josh commented, drumming lightly on the coffee table with his drum sticks.

"Yeah sorry...were you trying to say something?" I sighed, trying to be more attentive. Josh rolled his eyes while chuckling.

"I was but it's not relevant anymore"

"No! Tell me" I said, trying to persuade him that I could be a good listener and in all honesty I was. I had always been known as a good listener. My friends would always went to me because not only did I listen, I gave good advice; at least that's what people say.

"Nah...any way, you tell me; what's on your fucking brains lately?"


"Don't shit me Zayn...I know you better than that" he rolled his eyes at me. He dropped his drumsticks on the wooden coffee table and turned to me, waiting for a reply; his eyebrow cocked up.

"You probably wouldn't want to know" I replied, trying my hardest to squeeze my way out of this conversation. Josh wasn't obviously going to leak this piece of information, he was one of my best mates but right now, I felt that I should keep this information to a few people that need to know in order for Saturday to go successfully.

"Oh, I would..." he smirked. I stared at him, giving him my most uninterested face possible but he didn't buy it. He rolled his eyes once again and scoffed, waiting for an answer. Dang it!

"You know what Josh?" I said, a small smile tugging on my lips as I pushed myself closer to him on the couch. My hands grasped the water bottle that was kept on the coffee table at all times. I unscrewed the top as I waited for him to respond.

"Yeah?" he glanced at the water bottle in my hand.

"You look freaking incredible soaked" I screamed as I lunged the entire bottle on his head. The second I threw it, I heard him yell Bloody Murder as he tried to understand what had just happened. I instantly got up from the couch, throwing the empty plastic bottle in some random direction as my hands furiously grabbed the handle of the door. That's what he gets for being nosy and messing with my recording from a song that we were working on. I dashed out of the door as fast as I could.

Josh was going to kill me.

I turned a corner in the huge studio plus administrative office that we were recording in lately and hid in the first room that I found. I pushed the door closed, waiting for some sort of noise from outside. When I was sure, nobody was there; I turned around to inspect the room. Great, I had ended in the washroom. What kind of fuck up hides in the washroom?

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