Chapter 12

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Paris' POV
When he said the word, I felt guilt pour over me like a bucket of water. I DIDNT SAVE HER. That was enough to drive me crazy. If only I ran a little faster, or stopped her. But I didn't. I can't reverse time and save her. It's not possible. But the things I would do to save her, are endless. Everyone looked at me. I was a little confused, until I felt the tears run down my face. Landry had started dating another guy, Nash. He wasn't here, but they had been talking for a while. How was I going to tell him?

Jack's POV
I was glad #Lake was over, but now, Landry is over. No reviving can help. My chances of getting her are gone. Only one person I can talk to about this. Sam. He was the only one that knew about it, besides Paris. I still don't quite know why I told her, but I was glad I did it. She kept the secret, and I got all of that off my chest. Sam was good at keeping things too. I mean, I didn't hear about him and Ella until a month ago. And they have been dating for 6 months! If only I could've been with Landry. Treated her right, never left her. Luke on the other hand, just flat out got mad at her. I would've given her another chance. Just one more chance to explain this crazy situation. Luke needed and explanation. I need and explanation. I should've been there for her, forever. Luke kinda deserved her. I mean, after everything he's done. His past brings up memories no one wants to remember. Ever.

Paris' POV
I had to tell Nash. I grabbed Landry's phone, and texted Nash.

To: NASH❤️
From: Landry🎈
Hey Nash, it's Paris😟We found Landry in the woods. She wasn't breathing😰 we are all SO depressed and were wondering if you could come out here to the Lake House and pay your respects👌 were gonna send her by water🌸❤️ can u come? She would've wanted you to.❤️❤️

As I hit send, guilt washed over me once more. Why did I tell him? I could've just left her there and it would be over. But I can't. She's worth more than that.

Nash's POV
Cameron and I were playing video games, and I was just about to beat him. But my phone rang, the tone that meant Landry was texting me. I quickly got up, because she hasn't texted me in a while. I looked down to see a text that not only broke my heart, but ruined my life. I replied,

To: Landry🎈
From: NASH❤️
Sure Paris. I'll come. Are you positive she is dead?😰😰😰😰❤️❤️😰😰😰❤️

A few tears ran down my face, that I didn't even try stopping.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Cameron said, getting up and walking towards me. I sat down on the bed, because I couldn't stand. It was ALL too much.
"Landry-died." I said it with absolutely no expression, because I was trying not to think about her.

"Can you drive me to Paris' Lake House?"

"Let's go." Cameron said.

I got into Cameron's Tesla, and drove away to the Lake House that my girlfriend died in. Wow, it sounds terrible. It is.
Heehee😵 poor Nash😫 bi unicorns🎈

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