Chapter 26

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Luke's POV
Caleb. Caleb was Allison's ex-boyfriend. She broke up with him a while ago, maybe about 4 months ago. He abused her, hitting and kicking her. Telling her she was useless. No one knew except our friend group, because Ally is too sweet to let anyone get in trouble. That's what I liked about her. Yea, so what, I like Ally. She's beautiful, sweet, kind, and did I mention beautiful?

"Caleb?" I say, well more like ask.

"Luke?" He said. He looked pretty happy. Like he, changed. I don't believe it.

I shake my head, to clear my thoughts.

"How much was it again?" I ask, pulling out my wallet.

"$10.50." He stated with a smile.

What made this situation awkward, was that he wasn't in a pizza guy uniform. He was wearing a red polo and shorts.

I handed Caleb the money, and asked a question that I had to ask, to get answers.

"Do you wanna hang out? Like right now? You can crash here if you want." I ask. It took all my will power to ask this. I didn't want my crushes Ex here at all, but I needed answers. Ally, needed answers.

Hami's POV
We were in the car, driving down a pretty isolated road. I couldn't see any cars at all, for atleast 15 miles. There wasn't any shops or stores, and Jackson had a dilemma.

"Guys," he said,"I'm running out of gas."

"What are we gonna do?" Allison said.

"I don't know." Jackson said.

"We'll Pull Over!" I yell.

He pulls over and we pile out of the car. Keyana, Jackson, and Shishir decided to stay by the car, while the rest of us try to find a gas station down the road or something.

Allison's POV
Since me and Paris were basically best friends, I knew a lot about her. And I knew she would freak out now that we were stranded, and she couldn't see her boyfriend. Or maybe I was wrong. She seemed pretty calm and collected.

"Paris?" I ask.

"Yea Ally?"

"Why aren't you worried- never mind." I say, stopping my self mid sentence.

"Okay." She said. She is taking this pretty well.

I check my phone to see if I have cell service.

"Barley any service." I rant.

I hear some leaves rustling in the woods to the left of me, so I quickly turn my head. I see someone running, and then they are gone.
I don't know who or what It was, but I ran after it.

So that was interesting.......

What/Who did Ally see?
What will happen to the guys?
All answered in the next chapter!
Bi unicorns💕

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