Chapter 5

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Unknown POV
"They fell for our trap, and one of them is dead. It's going exactly how we planned."

"I know. It's marvelous."

"Never underestimate the power of a small mind..... It can do great things"

That saying echoed over and over again in my brain. I tried to remember our reasoning behind this. I quickly remembered, on the way back to my little hut. I soon fell asleep, looking at the stars through the cracks as I did every night.

Allison's POV
I was enjoying my two favorite things, in one morning. Pretty little liars, and cinnamon rolls. I was interrupted by a sad looking Paris and Keyana.

"We have something to tell you guys." Paris stated bluntly. She sounded nervous, like I would be, but usually Paris is pretty confident. I wonder what's up?

"What's wrong?" I admitted, "you guys look sad."

"On my walk this morning, I heard a scream."

"So did I, so we had the same instinct, to run to it." Keyana said.

"When we got there, we found Bianca. Hanging in a tree."

I heard a few gasps and cries. Me being me, I just sat there, in a state of complete shock. Why would someone kill Bianca? I mean, she's really nice. I wonder who would do that?

Landry's POV
I was sitting on the couch watching Pretty Little Liars, Luke by my side. I sat up briskly when Paris and Keyana walked in, because I could tell they were sad. Really sad. I decided to stay quiet, because I don't want to make them more sad.
They broke the news, and I gasped and cried and all of the above. Who would do that? I guess I'll just have to brush it off, and grieve in silence.

Sierra's POV
I was in my room, watching Lily Singh on YouTube. She's amazing, so I re-watched her older videos. I barely heard the door open, revealing a sad-faced Paris. Her words were quite jumbled, but I got the point. Bianca was dead.

Hey guys! I updated again! Woah. Bi unicorns

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